
How come i can get HD sometimes and sometimes not?

by  |  earlier

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we just got a new hdtv and for a while we were able to see a handful of hd channels, but now theyre gone and i think might come back? i only have normal cable, so does this happen to anyone else?




  1. With normal cable (also called analog cable) you should be able to receive the unencrypted broadcasts from your local stations - such as ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, etc.  These will usually show up as channels with a decimal in them.  For instance, if CBS is normally channel 6, then CBS-HD would be 6.1

    They should still be there...if not, call your cable company ask what happened to them.

  2. To get HD channels with cable you have to have a cable box.  Otherwise the HD channels you are getting are over the air, aka, with an antenna.  This could explain why they come and go as the signal would fade and come back depending on a million things.  If you have a cable box and the stations are coming and going your cable company is either doing work or something is wrong.  Hope that helps.      

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