
How come i can run for miles but i cannot do a complete 50 Freestyle?

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Any answers/tips on my swimming would be helpful. I have to be able to do 12 laps, no time, by October. Thanks




  1. your arm muscles aren't strong enough. they cant endure that workout. um... just work on building ur arm muscles. wight lift...

  2. Well, you could take some swimming lessons or maybe just go to a local swimming pool to practice. You could practice by doing 4 laps every time go go to the pool, then 6 laps, then 8 laps, then 10 laps then 12 laps and during that time u are sure to get better.

  3. Because it takes more energy to move through water than it does through air.  all you can do is do more laps to up your stamina.  Running is fine, but if you needs to do more laps, train by doing more laps.

  4. Swimming is a much more intense workout than running, and much easier on the body. Time and lots of it in the Pool is the only real way to get there!

  5. land vs water

    unbeatable combination, really

  6. well running and swimming are two different things,you may have the stamina to run forever but water has a strong current which means you got the stamina but you dont have the strength to swim,perhaps doing some water drills and workout would help.heres a site with tips and info

  7. Because swimmers are beastly =]

  8. When running you are able to breathe whenever you want.  When swimming you can only breathe when your mouth is out of the water. Slow down and make sure you are breating correctly.

  9. You don't have any arms.

  10. because swimming takes more out of you and uses more muscle so its wears u out more

  11. it uses different muscles just keep practicing

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