
How come i cant gain weight

by  |  earlier

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im 6'3 and 165 lbs

and for some bloody reason i cant seem to gain wieght and yes ive tried eating more pastas and starches and c**p but it doesnt work but I also eat healthy and drink alot of water could this be the reason?




  1. Last week I drank 5 canned coke a day for one week, then I gain weight. I am 5"4, 107. It is usually hard for me to gain weight, but I could gain weight easily but very ugly fat. So I quit drinking, then I got back the original weight soon. Coke is easy way but I had very ugly tammy. I cant recommend you...

  2. well how about if u try seting down a lot like if ur eating just lay down and it and don't run just walk and be kind a lazy and stuff

  3. Try lean beef. Otherwise just be healthy.

  4. work out a lot and right after your work out like in 10 minutes eat or drink a lot of protein  

  5. you most likely have a really high metabolism.

  6. You may just have a naturally fast metabolism, and this will keep you thin....why do u want to gain weight? Drinking alot of water is a good thing, not a bad one.

  7. yes. that could be the reason, but another reason is that you could just have really high metabolism. like me



  9. if you work out

    you'll gain muscle weight no matter what

  10. Assuming you want to build muscle, rather than just gain fat my suggestion would be up your protein (try for about 1g of protein for every lbs of body weight every day), and weight lift (heavy weights, slow and controlled reps till fatigue). Even with a high metabolism, you should be able to gain weight by overeating (especially protein) and giving your body a reason to grow more muscle.

  11. Drink lots of soda and drop the water.

    It will s***w up your body's ability to wash the stuff away and you'll get fat as h**l.

  12. Have you ever taken yourself off gluten?

    Gluten intolerance can make you not absorb food properly and then you can't gain weight.

    That's all I can think of and I envy you!


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