
How come i don't look good in pictures?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not a bad looking person but i don't seem to look good in most pictures, i know this probably meens i'm just not photogenic, but does anybody have any ideas about how to look better in pics ? hints or tips or anything ?




  1. smear vaseline on the lens

  2. I would say practice taking pictures in the mirror. I know it may seem strange but it works because you can then tell which side is your better side. And how much to smile in pictures and also how to pose. So when you find out the best way to take a picture you wont have a problem.

  3. After watching Americas Top Model i realize just because you are gorgeous in person doesn't mean the camera will love you.

    Knowing your face helps practice with a quick cam and your computer, or video camera and notice which angles are awkward and which flatter you. Try different kinds of lighting and use concealers or foundations under eyes or a darker foundation on the cheeks and shade the nose bridge for slimmer nose effect. use lipstick pencil to outline lips drawing a V on the bottom lip and blending in with lipstick for pouty lips look.

    Finally shape your eyebrows using your thumb and forefinger shape the hairs on the eyebrow and use eyebrow pencil to bring them slightly closer together. Models who practice on their own know what to do when having pictures taken. They know how far to turn the head, squint a bit, and how to soften the eyes or harden an expression in the eyes.

    Spend lots of time making faces in the mirror that express different emotions and thoughts or moods. Take lotsa pictures and video of yourself and study them.

  4. i think you have to gt used to taking pictures and looking at yourself.

    at first i didnt like the way I looked in pictures but then I learned to relax more and i thought they came out ok.

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