
How come i feel my mom doesnt care about me as much as my other sisters?

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i always feel left out in everythign! my big sis and my lil sis get watever they want and when i want something its always a no, it will rarley be a yes. how come my parents do that to me! i hate being the midle child! i hate being left out! i have always been left out! either with my friends or my parents or anything! i always feel this way, and sometimes i just cant take it!




  1. Tell themm! BUT do not lose your temper! Tell them that you're angry, but do not show uncontrolledd anger. Tell them how you feel. Anger and screaming and yelling will not be productive, but you can show them how u feel. Don't hold it inside.  

  2. totally understand im the middle child as well have a lil sis and older. But yeah i feel like an outcast in my family at times and hardly get what i want. But for me i dnt mind much anymore cause when the attentions on them i get to do bunch of stuff that they dnt notice or id evn lie and make up a good girl going out to the library kinda story. but yeah talk to your mom tell her how you feel and that SHE HAS 3 childrean not 2 so she should love and care about each one equally.

  3. Try comparing yourelf to your sisters less often. If you think about what they have, you'll automatically think of what you don't have. So just focus on yourself (i know, narsasisic isn't it!), and think about the good things you have in life. And if that doesn't work, act like an adult. No offense, but you sound a little whiney, and I'm sure your parents notice that. If you act mature, and sit down with them alone at a quiet time, they might be more willing to listen to your concerns. But make sure you phrase everything in a calm, mature manner, and thank them for taking time alone with you.  

  4. Are you the middle child? You could kiss *** i guess. Tell your parents tht you feel this way.

  5. the middle child always has problems like this. but maybe it's because your mother or father sees themselves in you and don't like it because of mistakes they made, and want to relive their lives n the other children

  6. i feel exactly like that, so honestly, i know what you are going through. just wait a little while longer and your parents will realize that you are just as good as them!

  7. I know exactly how you feel but I'm the oldest. Exactly how you feel. If you ever need to talk e-mail me!!

  8. Sorry you're the middle child. So am I. The s*** in the middle. They have their first born who is special and the baby which is self-explanatory. You're just you. Not the oldest not the youngest. Nothing special to them. Sorry just being honest it sucks. I lived it too, even as a twin we were the outcast treated the worst. We were in the middle

  9. What did you ask for?

    I know it may seem like  sometimes your parents are being unfair, but they are doing what they are doing because they love you. I'm more then sure they don't mean to make you feel left out, maybe you should try telling them how you feel, they can't read your minds. It's important not to compare yourself to your sisters, I'm sure there are times that they think that you get the better side of things too. So just relax, and don't get so upset, think it all out, and talk to your parents(:

  10. you should tell them directly, or write your parents a letter saying this and then post it on the fridge or something before you go to school or go out for a while.

    if they knew, they might take notice and change it.

  11. I'd say that your parents don't think you need the extra effort becuase they view you as being successful. Often parents neglect that child that is superior, because they know that they will manage quite well on there own and that the other siblings might not have as easy a time of things and thus help them out. But your right. You desirve as much attention as your siblings. Have you ever just asked your parents the question you are asking perfect starangers?

  12. welcome to my world  

  13. Listen to me! Your mom loves you just as much as all of your sisters but she is just being harder on you probably because you are the most responsible in the family. Ask her! Don't be stupid, do you hear what you are saying?!!!!!!!!!!! You are just to short- eyed to see right now. Look beyond that. I can Promise you that she loves you all equally. She does care, more than you think.

  14. wow confront them

  15. ahh yes... a lot of the middle children feel like this. i have a sister and shes in the middle...and trust me i understand. i suggest you talk to your mom about how you feel, sometimes its hard to take care of so many children, it really is. they cant keep up with whatever is happening, first of all ur big sis is growing up and probably needs a lot of support, ur younger sister might still depend on your mom a lot (idk what your ages are) and you're probably left out a lot. just talk, it always helps.  

  16. I'm sorry you feel this way. I was a middle child too. Tell your mom how you feel. I did and I believe it finally helped.

  17. I don't really think I can relate, but maybe you could try doing more stuff. Like do something that your parents wouldn't think you would do. To help them or something. That will really get their attention. Don't worry about them not getting you anything. Get it yourself. Find a way to get money, by doing a job or just helping a neighbor and gain some money. Get that thing that you asked for, and that you're mom wouldn't let you get. This will make you feel so much better.

    And I bet your sisters get a kick out of how you are treated. :(. Show them that you can do better than them. Try your hardest in school and work to your goals and you do the best that you can. They won't stomp on you anymore. I bet you!


  18. Maybe they don't pay as much attention to you because they know they don't have to worry about you as much.  Sometimes parents end up fixating on the child they think is having the most trouble, and sort of lose track of the kid that has it together.  You might just be lower maintenance for your parents than your sisters are.  If that's the case, trust me, someday your parents will thank you for that.  

    I know what you're going through.  I always felt that way with my siblings too.  It wasn't until my mother was on her deathbed that, totally out of the blue, she confided in me that; "We never worried about you. You let us off easy.  I'm so proud of you. When you left home, you were a finished product.  You're brother and sister...not so much.  They still needed a lot of work."  

  19. You Should try telling that to your mom. And if she wont listen Yell at her she is acting wrong towards you and you have the right to be angry with your parents tell her the situation even if you have to scream because you have to tell her this problem or it will keep going on and if she continues to shush you whenyou try to talk to her tell your school or someone who can contact your mom and then when she asks why you told them you can tell her :)

    Good Luck

    I Hope That Helped

  20. I'm also a middle child, and I have two brothers and one sister. Yeah, we do get forgotten about sometimes, but I kinda see it as sort of a blessing, because it helps me learn to be a better listener for my friends and other people. My older siblings were always into music, they both sang and knew how to fluently play the guitar. I liked to sing, but nobody really noticed my voice because I was so shy I wouldn't let people hear it. And my little brother is such a prankster that he gets a lot more attention. He got more spankings, more presents, more trips to the doctor and dentist, than all the rest of us, simply because he demanded it. But you know, finally I decided that I was going to go get some friends for myself, and quit tagging along with the sib's friends all the time. And I took up ballet and tunrs out I had a real gift there, and my whole family was really proud of that. Just learn to take care of yourself, it's really not so bad. Do more things for yourself instead of waiting on somebody to give it to you and you'll start to see more positive results.  

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