
How come i gain 2 pounds in like 2 hours?????

by  |  earlier

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sometimes i step on the scale and if im not happy with what i weight, ill run around the house and up the stairs a few times and then hop right back on the scale. but i gain a pound. whats up with that? and if ill eat like a slice of pizza ill gain like 2 pounds like 30 minutes later. why do i gain weight so easily? is it just my scale thats messed up? I used to be anorexic. does that have anything to do with it? thanks




  1. eat rice alot

  2. I think you need to throw your scale away. You obviously revolve your life around it. Everybody's weight fluctuates throughout the day. Don't worry about it that often. Just check it maybe twice a week if not once a week. Don't obsess over the weight throughout the day. Focus on something else.

  3. all that u eat or drink have its weight, and you add it to your weight!  

  4. This happens to me too , but i think its due to water loss /retention ... not to mention the weight of food consumed etc advice would be to bin the scales ... if you feel good and live a well balanced life then who gives a **** what they say ;-)

  5. u could be a little paranoid, but ur weight does change throughout the day!! food sittig in ur stomach will obviously make u heavier and 1st thng in the morning when you get up be lighter.. before u go to the toilet (no.2s) that is all sitting inur body, depends, just dont freak out!

  6. unless you are consuming 2lb's of food/water this is scientifically impossible.  

    you are clearly mental.

  7. This is just water weight honey! Not fat weight! Plus scale always add on 5 poundss to your actuall weight.  

  8. Don't weigh yourself more then once a week, and your weight will seem to fluctuate, that is normal.

  9. you are obsessing about the scale. Our weight does go up and down over the day as we eat... there is also water gain and loss... That is why it is recommended that when you do weigh yourself you do it the same time of day( like the morning) and only once a day. It sounds like you still have bad habits from when you had an eating disorder.

  10. I use to wonder about the same thing. But I am reminded of my 7th grade science class where the teacher proved to us that the air we breathe does weigh something.

    So when I exercise but do not drink anything - I think that maybe the extra hard breathing that comes along with exercise fills your body up with more air. That in turn makes you gain some weight.

    And obviously any time you eat, drink, or even change clothes - your weight will change. Also some scales are so tricky that if you position your feet slightly different or put them facing a different direction or in a different section of the floor - they will actually give you different results!

    So there are my answers. And try not to worry so much about how much you gain by eating 1 slice of pizza. It's unfair to compare your weight at different times of the day. The best time to weigh is first thing in the morning (after you use the bathroom), wearing the same clothes or clothes that have similar weights.  

  11. Your weight will go up straight after you exercise or run around because your muscles are working harder meaning there are more waste materials in your body that have not yet been released. It will also go wen you have eaten someting because anything you eat weighs something. Dont worry about it. You are just a bit anxious because you think your anorexia may have affected your body. Try not to weigh yourself as much as it is completely normal for body weight to fluctuate many times in one day.

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