
How come i hit my 9 iron straight as an arrow, 125 yeards, but i always slice my driver?

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i hit my 9 like any professional---but when i drive the ball it ALWAYS SLICES. since you cant see my swing and diagnos the problem with it, can you give me any "catch all" solutions that i may not have read or seen on the internet? thanks!





  1. longer clubs are hardly get back to square at the ball which is practice .and a lot of people are swinging the driver and other clubs that are too long .also the more upright the faces the less forgiving it has .that's why a lot of people can hit the three would straighter and almost as long as the driver was a driver has less loft and longer .

  2. The longer the club, the harder it is to hit the ball straight. I always slice the driver too. But, it could be my hand position on the club, my body alignment, or my swing. There is no one answer. Only you can find out what the problem is by going to the driving range (grass instead of artificial turf) and practicing. Also, don't be afraid to take lessons.

  3. The longer your club is, the harder it is to hit it straight. I have the same problem, only i hit my driver left.

  4. If your driver always slice ( or always hook) , why don't you try driver that has moveable weight  like Taylor Made R7... you can adjust for Draw or Fade...I think it may help..

  5. The short iron swing is easier because of the shorter club.  You may also be tryign too hard with the driver swing.  

    Slices can be occuring because your hips are not rotating as fast as your shoulders and arms.  That will make the slices easier to see in the longer clubs like drivers.  

    Slow down your downswing, and let your hips rotate.

  6. the angle needed to swing a 9 iron is steeper than your driver swing.  i have the same problem.  if you have a steep and angle on your driver it will slice.  i recommend keeping the club as close to the ground as possible during your takeaway.  by doing this, you will make better contact and hit your driver straighter.

  7. You hit your 9 iron straight.  A professional can hit it that distance and hit it longer than that.  One reason you slice your driver is because it's longer than the 9 iron.  Fortunately you don't want to change your swing because of a difference in length of the club.  You just want to square it the same so you can hit the driver straight as well.  Take it back low and slow in the backswing.  Start your downswing with your legs and transfer your weight from your right side to your left(if you're right handed) and bring the club back on the path you took it back.  If the clubface was square going back, it will be square at impact.

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