
How come i make the "crack" sound when i bend and straighten my legs?

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how come i make the "crack" sound when i bend and straighten my legs?

sometimes on my arm too.. i feel it on my elbow.. its like the bones are getting in place again but it makes this weird sound all the times..

and often on my right knee.. when i fold my right leg.. it feels like nothing happened.. but i feel the cup on my knees or what ever u call it moving..

then when i straighten it it sometimes get stuck.. but not as hard.. just like crack sound.. n it makes me feel a little bit of pain.. but its just for a second or 2..




  1. it happens to me exactly the same is it bad?

  2. I sometimes have this problem with my jaw because I have a hypermobile joint. I get weird sounds because of the cartiladge in my jaw moving about. This could be what is happening to yourself as you mention it happening in all your joints (elbow, knee) where there is a lot of cartilage to protect the bones. You could potentially feel it if it's cartilage too - I do with my jaw.

    Hope I helped. If you're really worried, you should see your GP about it.

  3. mine do it aswell.. its  ok tho

  4. it happens when you keep that body part straightened for a long time.. the crack noise that you hear is sinovial fluid ... that is in between all of your bones... everyone has this..  its normal..  

  5. It's the sound of your joints popping. Contrary to popular belief, this isn't a bad thing.  

  6. it's when you're legs are remained in a none moving position for a very long time with a slight pressure on the joints.

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