
How come if you don't talk to a Libra he/she would not come back to you but if its a Pisces they would always?

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Note: I don't mean not talking as in I suddenly stopped talking to them. I mean generally you lose contact or they lose contact. A Libra would expect you to be there for them and won't talk if something happens or you will stop talking to them. A Pisces would always come back to you.




  1. Because pisces has a great trait that will always forgive you, but if you s***w us over about 3 or 4 times then we just cut you off :]]

    I am a pisces

    XOXOXO - SNoop_bunny226

    Hope this helps and God bless

    *EMail me if you have any more concerns

  2. I don't know about your individual case, but from the Pisces I've dealt with, they have way more compassion and life understanding than Libras.  The ability to forgive and go on is one of their most beautiful traits.

  3. Im a libra and its becuase we think you no longer care we are not always like that though if its long distance its hard for us to manage i had a friend named samantha and i really regret losing her :(

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