
How come illegal aliens are so unstoppable, in the face of such a great nation like America?

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How come illegal aliens are so unstoppable, in the face of such a great nation like America?




  1. The government knows exactly what they're doing & no matter what they say.. they like illegal immigration because they make millions off of it each year. People legally residing in America get a lot of money back from income tax. Think about how many illegals work but can't file for taxes or don't get the extra couple thousand. The government gets all of that unclaimed money.. millions of it.

  2. its been going on since the 1800 perhaps earlier but no one been able to fix it

  3. do-gooders are people who are for laws and the enforcement of them, not aiding and abetting criminal behavior like criminal illegals.

    The U.S. doesn't love cheap labor, greedy employers do.

  4. There's lots of people who find it in their best interest to allow illegal aliens, like those who need cheap labor, and others who make money off helping them cross the borders.

  5. Because this great nation is full of do-gooders that think the illegals deserve some sort of help for breaking the law.

  6. I saw an illegal deported last week, if that's their version of unstoppable, that's sad.

  7. If the US Politicians would collectively grow a pair of big brass ones, we could stop illegal Aliens from coming here in 90 days.

    Easy way execute every illegal caught, hard way sell them into indentured servitude to South African Diamond and Gold mines for a period of 7 to 10 years.  As soon as the word got out we were finally serious the inflow would stop over night and it would take the rest of the 90 days for those were not caught to leave as quickly as they could without attracting attention.

  8. Because the government and big business(same thing really) profit from them. It's not that their unstoppable,it's that our so called rulers choose not to stop them.

    Don't worry,once the said rulers are done with the illegals,we'll see mass deportations.

  9. Because our politicians didn't want to stop it, much money was made from illegal labor, the unclaimed taxes and social security is something you never hear anyone cry about.

  10. People have missed th eboat entirely on this issue.

    The INS, and now ICE, were never really about enforcing any laws. They awere an agent to help ensure that supply and demand for cheap, un protected labor was readily available to unscrupulous business and farm owners and operators.

    That's why it remains so prevalanet. Plus, if they fix it, then they lose a key wedge issue to drum up votes on either side.

  11. The US loves cheap labor. Someone saw "one" illegal deported last week. One? ha ha ha ha ha now that's a start!

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