
How come im not getting drunk?

by  |  earlier

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okay theres dis alcohol nd it 44% and i took 5 shots nd im still not drunk.. why




  1. Cuz you're a fatty and for fat people it's gonna take a lot more.


  2. Keep going it will sneak up on you....

  3. Honey, you are typing as if you are drunk.  Are you sure you're not feeling anything?

  4. Babe, I can out drink 90% of my friends and they all boys for the most part and I'm only 130 lbs. It just depends on what you're drinking and when the last time you ate and weight. I'm 24 but that's been knowledge thus far! :)

  5. I think i need a shot just to read that

  6. You're not as think as you drunk you are  :)

  7. i just took a shot to read that haha... yup switch to everclear

  8. takew about 5 more, how much do you weigh?

    are you buzzed?

  9. Mybe you drink too much and your tolerance is high

  10. why are you trying to get drunk? to see how it feels?

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