
How come im skinny in the morning and fat in the evening?

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2day i was skinny in the morning and then i went shopping and when i came home to try my clothes on, i was SO fat. :( so how come? and this is not the only day this has happened.




  1. You're always going to weigh the least in the morning (unless you ate a ridiculous amount before bed).  

    During the course of the day you're going to eat, and drink and therefore add on weight, even if it's only temporary fluid retention weight.

    In the morning you've been 8 hours without food or drink, so therefore you're probably at your thinnest.

  2. its cuz in the morning, you didnt eat anything...after u start to drink, eat fastfood.

  3. It is probably just your imagination, or poor body image talking.

    Don't listen! Feed yourself good thoughts and ignore the negative.

  4. happens to everybody, its because in the morning your body has released all of those icky toxins and you have slimmed down at night because you havent eaten, but youre not hungry yet because your system hasnt gotten going.

    i know, i hate that, thats why i always sleep late on the weekends i want to go to the beach :)  

  5. I think it's just a body image factor, because the mirror doesn't lie, but sometimes your insecurities can blur your vision. (as in, people see one thing, you see another)

    I struggle with my weight myself and everyone around me says that if I lost any more weight I'd be skin and bones, so I take their word for it.

    The best advice I can give you is listen to your body and ask questions. Eat when you're hungry, don't eat when you're not. Ask people you trust around you how you look. If you're really concerned ask the doctor on your next weigh-in, or visit a dietician. It also could be the lighting, or you're bloated, but it sounds like this is all in your head.

  6. haha i know what you mean, in the mornings visibly my stomach is so much smaller. its just the actually food in your stomach and the water retention of it, its not real weight as in mucle or fat at all its simply the actual food, so its not there to stay lol dont worry. in the mornings you havent eaten for hours so your at your true body weight without any food in you basically. dont worry about it, its normal  

  7. Your ideal weight is in the morning. Eating and drinking throughout the day can cause water weight gain which causes bloating. It doesnt mean you are fat. I would go by how you feel in the morning.

  8. This Has to do with Gravity.

    You may have heard of how In the Morning you a taller and by the time you go to bed you are shorter, this is the same as for while you are asleep only this time because you are not standing, the force of gravity is taking effect while you are laying down.

  9. you may digest foods slowly because i notice my stomach looks fatter after i have eaten a meal but then after a while it goes away. Did you eat a large meal that's probably what caused it. hope this helps.

  10. yur not getting fat yur just bloating throughout the day. its totallyyyyy normal. it happens 2 me also.

    dont worry!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. gravity

  12. You are probably retaining water.  Try consuming less salt.  Also, sitting with your legs elevated above the level of your heart as much as possible may help.  If it is really bad your doctor can prescribe water pills.

  13. Hamburgers, breakfast, pop etc

  14. Everyone is thinner when they wake up in the morning.  That's why that is the best time to weigh yourself--naked, of course.  After eating, drinking, and going about your day, you'll typically be about 3 pounds heavier later in the day.  By the way, if you're trying to lose weight, never weigh more than once a week.  To maintain, weigh once a day, at the same time each day...Good luck!

  15. Gravity, your bodily fluids are dispersed more evenly while you are lying down.  

  16. You are probably exaggerating but if you eat a lot your stomach may pudge out a little.

  17. i'm pretty sure its in your mind

    but, people always weigh more in the evening than they do in the morning

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