
How come in Christianity the existence of a deity is assumed?

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How come in Christianity the existence of a deity is assumed?




  1. Jesus claimed to be God and he proved it by coming back from the dead as well as numerous other supernatural feats.

    What is there to assume except that he was exactly who he said he was?

  2. Many faiths assume there is a deity. Only Christians Know there is a one and true God.

  3. How come in nonbelievers it is assumed that there is Not a God?  Do you know something the rest of us don't.   Neither side can prove anything so it is all about our beliefs.  Oh and just because they are your beliefs Don't make them True....

  4. Because Jesus claimed to be that deity manifest in human flesh.

    Jesus said such things as "When you've seen me, you've seen the Father," and "I come from above (i.e. God), you are from below (i.e. earth).  Jesus said "For GOD so loved this world, that He gave His one and only uniquely begotten Son, that ANY body who puts their trust in Him will NOT perish (in h**l forever), but have everlasting life (in heaven).  When God sent His Son into the world, it was not to condemn the world, but to save it."  etc.

    Jesus was either a lunatic on the grandest scale, thinking that He had claim to divine origins, or he was the Lord God.

    Jesus even said that if you TRULY want to know if His teachings were from God (implying the existence of said God), "then OBEY  THESE  COMMANDS, and you shall know!"  (I believe He was probably (or possibly) referring to the Sermon on the Mount, beginning in the 5th chapter of the gospel according to Matthew.)

    If God does not exist, then the teachings of Jesus make absolutely no sense.  He referred to the creation and Adam and Eve and the many other Old Testament stories as though they were actual historical events, not some kind of myths or something.

    Does this help bring you any kind of enlightenment as to what Christians believe?  I sure hope so.

  5. One deity and one major demon.

    Christians, by association, are also "Satanists".

  6. Well, if there is NO God, then we can safely assume that the christian faith is just another man made religion like so many others.

    However, if we assume there is a "God" or a "creator" if you like, then the next question must be something like "ok who is this God and what is he/she like and how do I fit into the big picture"??

    The christian faith claims to be "God's revelation of Himself" to mankind. It is not a "set of rules" or a "code of practice".

    It is up to you to read about this in the biography of the "Christian God" and make up your own mind about it.

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