
How come in a cross country and track people clap for the last place person?

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I think that it is humiliating for the person, I was running track in high school and I had to run varsity when I was a freshman and I was last, and a bunch of spectators were cheering and clapping, it was humiliating !!!!!!




  1. ...

    I understand the issue.  I recently went from doing half marathons, and doing well (in my age group) to doing a half-Ironman, where I barely finished before the cutoff time on the race.  People clapped?  Good job?  Way to go?  What's this?  I knew where I was finishing!  Near dead last!

    Well, some reasons for this end-of-race cheering-for-the-last-guy are odd, and some are not.  In our American culture, and especially in this last generation growing up, it seems that "everyone is a winner."  How many t-ball teams or soccer teams in a junior league go away with trophies at the end of the season?  All of them!

    But on the other hand, folks out there may not know how hard you are competing, whether you are running to your capacity or not.  And they just want to be encouraging.

    If nothing else, just smile, do a little wave, and thank them (even if only to yourself) - finish the race, and get on with it.  Really.



    P.s., and don't get down on yourself when you are last!  Be thankful that you can run at all (some cannot) . . . and learn from the race so you can do better next time!

  2. Are you kidding me???

    Being on a team...track or XC, its about caring for you teammates and supporting them no matter what!! DO NOT even start to think that that is humiliating!!! You should be thankful to have team members who care and support you no matter what. You don't even get what being on a team is i really feel sorry for you.

  3. They are being kind.

  4. They don't want you to feel bad.  You finished the race just like everyone else.

  5. That isn't meant for humiliation, but as encouragement! Its a way for the audience to show their kindness, and they want to encourage you. Sometimes being in last stinks, but all they want to do is cheer you on!! Don't take it so seriously, they just want to cheer you on.

  6. urr. duhh.

    they were trying to be polite.

    not be offensive.

    the good thing is you finished//

    so dont take offense,

    they were just trying to be kindd.

  7. They were trying to make you feel good. You finished the race. As in life, it doesn't matter that you didn't finish in the top 3, it matters that you finished.

  8. It's a sign of respect for what u have accomplished regardless of your time. As you mature as a runner hopefully you will be more appreciative of spectators and encourage your fellow runners. Remember, someone stayed to be there when the last person finished the race.  I am surprised by this question from a runner. I encourage u 2 show your support, u don't know the journey of that person; it's maturity as a runner.

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