
How come in the Media its always stories about rape, murder, terrorism and general chaos...?

by  |  earlier

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but when i go about my day just out and about - nothing

where is all this stuff going down?

if the mass media - radio, tv newpapers internet are to be believed i'd never leave home fearing i'd get raped by knife weilding, islamic teenage chav rottweilers with STDS

are they making this stuff up??




  1. good news (apparently) doesn't sell.

  2. There's and old saying on the media. "If it bleeds...It leads", sad but true.

  3. It's always been said that a newspaper's job is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

    Somehow with the TV media (ratings?) half of that slogan has gotten lost along the way.

  4. Partly because "blood and s*x sell airtime" and partly because that's what the government tells them to report. Keep the sheep scared and ready to obey.

    Funny you should mention it, my sister was raped last night by teenage rottweilers with STDS they got from Muslims, at a McCain rally. It will be on tonights news.

  5. Sensationalism sells, and at the end of the day the bottom line is to sell as many newspapers and have as many hits as possible. I do live in a rough part of London, and my daughter has recently lost one of her friends to knife crime, but even we don't recognise the world that the media portrays. The kids around here are not afraid of walking the streets, most of them are happy to go about their business and have a kick about with their friends, and I'm quite happy to walk home on my own after midnight without any worries. This may be , because even though it can be a bit rough around here, people still know each other, each other's kids and still look out for each other. I couldn't say that about all parts of town.

  6. bad news sells, simple as that

  7. cos scare tactics sells

  8. If you read the entire newspaper and not just the front page, you will find all kinds of good things going on in and around you community.  But I do agree with you about Television.  They seem to want to make the news.  Blow it out of proportion and beat it to death until you are sick of listening to it.

  9. Maybe you're just lucky to live in a place where this type of sh*t doesn't happen!

  10. all that bad is out there but very isolated, the media seeks it out because people don't want to hear good news and most important to them, there's no $$ in good news.

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