
How come is it that everytime I search Egypt Some pharaonic has to pop up?

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Except Wikipedia!




  1. the Pharoahs are more important than anyone i know !

  2. What else do you expect? the Berlin wall?

  3. Because the pyramids and the pharaohs are the most well known symbol of Egypt in the world.

  4. I know :)

    I remember once in school a girl asked me where I was from so I said Egypt and she laughed hysterically and said "no, seriously where?" and I was like I'm EGYPTIAN. So she gave me a funny look and said "seriously??? I thought they were extinct, you know we're learning about them in history?" ... and then she started the whole "do you get around on camels?" questions.

    ps. She was Kenyan!!!! So it's not just Americans ... a fellow African.

    But about the internet thingy I think it's because of two main reasons:

    1) Egypt's history and tourism are it's most prominent aspects so they probably take up most of the spotlight.

    2)Egypt is not exactly too "electronic". Apart from facebook and all those other blog and forum-type sites, Egyptians don't really use the internet much. The majority of the results you are getting are probably not entered by Egyptians. So they are not concerned with anything other than what I mentioned in the first point. Although I think we are starting to change that. Wait a couple of years you'll probably get the results you're looking for.

  5. coz thats mostly what Egypt is known for.

  6. I know what you mean. Soon as my hubby tells people he's Egyptian, the first thing they say is "ooooo, have you seen the Pyramids"? like he's lived in one, lol.

  7. I understand what you are saying... It's like people don't know that there is more to Egypt than pharoahs and pyramids.  However, I think this happens because Egypt has probably the most interesting and popular history, which involves pharoanic stuff.

  8. Yeah ...... i agree

    Thats why most of the people (( specially Americans )) think that we r still living in the stone ages and riding camels !!!!

    BUT when u see Wikipedia, it shows the Ancient Egypt & also Modern Egypt

    We need to show the world how Modern Egypt looks like

    We need to show the world that we have ALL kinds of technologies & transportation

    We need to show the world that we r civilized

  9. come to visit egypt and see by your self!!!!!

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