
How come it's ok for a Muslim man to marry a Christian/Jew, but it's not ok for a Muslima? ?

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How come it's ok for a Muslim man to marry a Christian/Jew, but it's not ok for a Muslima? ?




  1. There are many videos/lectures on the internet explaining this matter.. please google.

    God  always has a reason for everything.


    ok watch this, inshaallah u will understand

  2. because Allah/Quraan and the prophet said so!

  3. Based on the assumption that man is the head of the family and the children will follow the father, Islam has set guidelines to restrict Muslim women from marrying non-Muslim men unless they revert first to Islam.

  4. You are deceived by the fake sheikhs because the Christian woman is haram for the Muslims man since Christians are not in any way related tp worship of One God and Jews are part of the Hoax of the crucifixion and the Bible.

    Christians are not People of the Book since the Bible is up to 72 Books and no Book and is a corruption of Scripture as Allah says the crucifixion of al Masih was a Hoax.

    Worship none but Allah!

    There is no God but Allah!


  5. As far as i know. Be it man or woman if they wanna marry non muslim they shud convert to similar faith after accepting wholeheartedly(not just marriage based)

    Its not mention anywher tht muslim men r allowed to marry non muslim and woman cant

  6. Salam for you my dear friend. In the Qur'an Allah spoke that a muslim man can marry a christian or jew woman but a muslima can not get marry with non muslim man.This was only for temporary time during the era of Muhammad pbuh.Man muslim can be allowed for maarying non muslim (jew/christian) because at the time Torakh and Injil have no significant changes and muslim man as a husband and leader in the family could bring his wife into Islam.Muslima is rather weak so muslima could not get marry with non muslim man,because she can be influenced by her husband to be non muslim woman.But now either muslim man or muslim woman(muslima) should get marry with muslim woman or muslim man only.If a muslim man has a girl friend of non muslim,he should try hard to propose her to convert to Islam before the marriage will be performed.This rule is enacted for muslim woman too.

  7. Because according to Islam law, the child (when having one) goes by the fathers side religion-wise., so theoretically no matter what religion the mother is, the child will be muslim as long as the man is--- creates a conflict with judaism because the child's religion depends on the mothers'. If a muslim girl were to marry a man of another faith, supposing he does not convert, there is no way of producing a muslim child and as Islam is a very missionary (is eager to have its religion keep growing) religion this wouldnt be good for the religion in itself (my guess).

  8. Muslim idea of justice. The Universe exists in their minds for Muslims only.

  9. hey, this is because in any culture.. the man is the head of the household therefore he is the one whom the children should take their religion from, its like that saying the MAN is the MAN,.  if a Muslima marries a Jew or a Christian, the religion of Islam will be lost and taken over and therefore will defeat the purpose of passing on all that the mother has learned throughout her life and it may seen as though she is committing a sin by not educating her children with Islam. its not a selfish thing.. but thats the way it would be seen and this is why its not ok for a Muslima to marry a Jew or a Christian because her children must follow Islam. hope I helped <3

  10. because a non muslim man might pressure on his wife to be a non muslim by divorcining ,keeping the childeren away from her , abuse andstuff like that

  11. In order to be clear, we need to understand how the rights to practice your religion are affected by marriage. If both parties were equal partners with neither being able to impose his or her will upon the other, then Muslim women marrying Christian or Jewish men would be no different to the Muslim men marrying Christian or Jewish women. However there is a difference. Christian and Jewish men are clearly set in charge of their wives and have a right to be obeyed by them.

    Christian marriage vows include obeying the husband. The bible explicitly curses Eve by saying she will be made to obey men (This story is however completely missing in the Qur'an). It has even been until recently (early last century) the law in England, that upon marriage all of the woman's property becomes the property of her husband. So any control she had over her life is surrendered to her husband.

    Islam recognises the position of difficulty this could land Muslim women in and so does not allow them to be subjected to the orders of Christian or Jewish husbands.

    EDIT: Haha angelblittz @ divorcining. So cute. You get a thumbs up for being dumb.

  12. My guess is becuase the Male Muslim can turn his wife

    (if the wife is a jew or christian) Muslim.

    But the Female Muslm dont have that much of power over the man

    to do that.

  13. because Islam as a religion recognizes people of the book (the Jews and the Christians) so A Muslim man can not force his religion if he married a woman from the people of the book. While Christianity, Judiasm doesn't recognize Islam, so there is a risk if a Muslim woman married a non-Muslim man that he might force her off her religion(even if some of them didn't but still a possibility, so better leave no room for exceptions)

  14. Profit and lose

  15. A MUSLIM woman cannot marry a NON-MUSLIM man.

    Allah says : {And give not (your daughters) in marriage to AL MUSHRIKUN (Polytheists, Pagans, Idolaters, and disbelievers in oneness of Allah and in His Messenger Muhammad, till they believe in Allah}. [2:221]

    Because in this marriage, a Muslim woman faces the danger of Kufr, as her husband might influence her. Because a wife always follows the footprints of her husband.

    Allah has cut off the guardianship of a Kafir over any Muslim. Allah Says (Interpretation of meaning): {And never will Allah grant to the disbelievers a way over the believers}. [4:141]

    So, this is simply forbidden in Islam.

    I have kept my answer concise, easy for you to understand, to the point :) if you have any further queries, feel free to ask me ~!

    Rest Allah knows the best~!

  16. this is kinda protection for the muslim women and their children..

    but a man can deal with his probs more than a woman can..

    u knoe generally women r weaker than men..

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