
How come it is a rule in swimming that your butt can't twitch on the starting block???

by  |  earlier

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Because I disqualified for this in a trial meet and I would have qualified if my butt hadn't twitched!!! Makes me sooooo mad!!!




  1. noo, poletop 1 is not telling the truth. it is because moving before the buzzer means you may be doing a false start.  a false start means you leave the block before the buzzer but after they say take your mark, you cant moves or else the official will think you are doing a false start. just be more careful next time not to move.

  2. lol no way! ill watch out for that one! Thanks for the heads up

  3. Same thing happens in track & field. For instance in the 100m dash, everybody must me motionless after the starter says on the mark, before the gun goes off.

    Sorry you got a DQ, but that is the rules.

  4. cause all the swimmers are g*y and you'd distract them, thats an unfair advantage and against the olympic rules.

  5. i know, hard to get used to..just so others don't start with you thinking your going

  6. because you have to be completely still when you are in ready position, if you move, they think that you will have a false start, so you are automatically DQ'd

  7. No idea mate, you got unlucky and should have qualified

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