
How come it seems like people treat you based on how you look?

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Like if you're fat, they seem disgusted or maybe don't hold the door open as they would if a 'skinny/pretty' girl walked by instead. And if you're short/look younger than your age than they treat you as if you were retarded or something (from my experience) it really lowers my self esteem, as it's bad enough people still give me kids' menus at 19! (and at the movies they asked my boyfriend if he was with one child!). Why can't people just look past how you look and treat you like everyone else????




  1. well we humans and men for some specific reason although not all by any means have a tendency to be visual creatures and are stimulated by what they see. You hold your head up high and demand your respect by the way you carry yourself, worry not about the bunch of losers and people with no manners. We are all here together and should put petty stuff behind us cause they are beneath us.

  2. Well, most people judge based on sight, not knowledge. They might not know who you are inside, but if you have acne on your face, are obese, are not the best looking, etc., they'll treat like the media would.

    Like a second class citizen. Definitely not as well as the "pretty, sophisticated girl".

  3. Sadly, its the human way. It will always be like that. I was raised to use my manners, and I do, regardless of a person's race or color. We are all in this world together.  

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