
How come it seems my mom observes every little thing that I do subconsciously? Its so annoying!?

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My mom somehow knows instinctively when Im downstairs, either that or she has sensitive hearing. She works downtown and she calls me one day because she saw my car driving cause I had business to do. She knows exactly when I have work and calls me like the same time everyday to ask me if I called in to see if I am working that day. She knows exactlty when I have class. The thing that annoys me the most is that she is emotionless and looks so serious all the time. Everytime, I answer the phone a little late, she knows that I was taking a nap, and then she asks me if I was taking a nap. Of course I say yeah, then she goes "chhh! (shamelessly) as if I had no reason to sleep. It gets on my nerves, how intuitive she gets. Pretty much her life is boring and she uses her excess energy and knowledge to watch the things my sister and I do. She knows too much and is too capable. By the way, we're asian, if that has anything to do with it. Does anyone else have this problem?




  1. she is a perfectionist

  2. She can't help. Some people are just really sensitive. Shes probably really smart too.

  3. Ahh so, this is a ancient chines secret, but moms can be like that. Your culture may look down on perceived laziness and reward only those who work the hardest. They thin they are helping. Could you just not answer the phone when you don't want to talk to her.

  4. yur mom is prob just sad that u and yur sister are growing up she feels like shes lossing you and wants to hold on to what she has left just bear with her and be sensative just let her enjoy you while she still can

  5. Mom's somehow know these things. Called mothers intuition. I can tell when something is going on with my children and they live miles away. But, I am very close to my children and can read them like a book and they can feel when I am having a difficult day as well and will call to see what is going on. Be glad you have a mom that close to you. Believe it or not one day you will appreciate what she does.

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