
How come it took so long?

by  |  earlier

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For humanity to figure out how to use electricity, invent light bulbs and other devices. All this is basic intelligence! I am already working on inventions that will make this all seem like mere kids play.




  1. More power to your elbow. We will be following your progress with great interest.

  2. I agree with the other answer.

    But tell us what you are working on and we can give an opinion on it's feasibility.

  3. I have a feeling most of what you are working on has already been done.

  4. Ok. Let me see if I can answer this politely. I don't think that electricity and technology are 'basic intelligence.' I think that it took some extraordinary dedication and logic to begin to understand and discover the electricity, not to mention some extreme intelligence to harness it for inventions. I think you should be greatful that you have someone else's prior knowledge to base your own exploration on. Yes, you may be creating something that will rock the foundations of the world... but it took a lot of work to gain the 'basic' knowledge that you take for granted.

  5. That's such a douche bag statement. What do you mean so long? What are you like 5 years old?

    People like you are real cocky and confident because they know a little bit but I bet in reality you don't know ishh. Wasting your time on asking an absurd question.

    How's the relationship.. you get stabbed yet? what about your beer sports drink?  lol...

    And it wasn't humanity that created anything. It was great minds like Einstein, Dirac, Fermi, Edison, etc. that you are pissing on. Get a life.

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