
How come it took so long to get the person behind the Muslim Bosnia genocide arrested?

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Genocide: Bosnian Muslim ethnic cleansing at the hands of Serbs.

Radovan Karadzic organised the 1995 massacre of more than 8000 Muslims in Srebrenica and other atrocities in the Bosnian war.

In this ethnic cleansing, (or genocide) rape, torture and killing of the Muslims of Bosnia was rife.

Pregnant Muslim women were stabbed to death, girls raped, their husbands tortured.

In 1995, thousands of Muslim men and boys from Srebrenica were killed by Bosnian Christian Serb troops, despite the presence of Dutch UN peacekeepers.

Why did it take so long to get the guy behind this arrested?

How does Herzegovina play into this

And how does Croatia and Yugoslavia play into this?




  1. he very successfully changed his appearance.

  2. Because it needed to almost coincide with the "co-ordinated" press release stating that the main threat of terrorism in the UK now comes from Northern Ireland which happened the day before. How else would you get 15,000 out on the streets of Belgrade? As a result the mainstream media have managed to develop a twist in the way most people thought the future may develop, myself included, I always knew Northern Ireland was only on the back burner but didn't realise the government would use it at this time. After all that is the source of the press release. And remember the BBC "imaginary" terrorist attacks on London bombs on 3 trains and a road vehicle, now the BBC will soon show a programme on BBC3 called Spooks Codenine which shows the after effects of a nuclear bomb in London in 2013, surely just getting the public ready for the inevitable and yet at the same time not permitting them to know exactly who their supposed enemy is. Classic warfare psychology, after all they are the experts!

  3. He was protected by some people within military and Christian Orthodox Churches. NATO troops would be recognized miles away and at times they didn't try their best or couldn't due to various factors. Most importantly he had a very good disguise, he managed to blend in and lead a normal life - of course protected at highest levels by some.

    . . . . . . . Now my question is why is there no outrage among Muslims when it comes to Darfur, last time I checked they were Muslims, aren't they??

    + "In this ethnic cleansing, (or genocide) rape, torture and killing of the Muslims of Bosnia was rife.

    Pregnant Muslim women were stabbed to death, girls raped, their husbands tortured."

    ▬ Exactly the same things going on in Darfur, more than 200,000 people have died in the conflict, over two million now refugees. So is it b/c they are BLACK even though still Muslims.

    . . . . . but clear message within Islam is, and I quote, "No white has any superiority over black and no black over white, and no Arab has any superiority over Non-Arab, and no non-Arab over Arabs" ~ Mohammed

    A Tyrant is NOT one of us, and anyone who condones him is not one of us.

    ~ Mohammed

    Stop a tyrant even if it means using force.

    ~ Mohammed

  4. Previous Serbian governments were not interested in arresting karadzic.

    As for mistreating Muslims, look at how some so called Islamic states treat their citizens -



    Saudi Arabia


  5. It took authorities so long to arrest him because the Serbian government was actually hiding him. They were protecting him, and they only handed him over because they wanted to be a part of the European Union.

  6. Nobody was really looking. They should let him go.

  7. I have got to admit I would not have been able to have picked him out of a line-up given he looked a bit like Jesus to me.

    Which is a bit ironic considering what a bad b*****d he (Karadzic) was/is.

    With a bit of luck he will burn in h**l.

    regards big bad wolf.

  8. because he disguised himself as buster merryfield out of only fools and horses

    perhaps its because the bosnians didnt want to hand him over

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