
How come its ok for african americans to use the Ni**er word, but its considered horrible if a white does it?

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I hear songs with The ni*** word being used by black singers, and i have heard them calling each other by that name

why is it such a crime for a white to do the same?




  1. Maybe because when white people use it, there's a different feeling and meaning behind it. One filled with hatred and racism.

  2. Why should white people use it any way?


    And, because that's just how life is............and it SUX.   It's called ignorance, which is something that african americans will always withhold until the END of time.  And WE have to suffer, NOT them, because we constantly have to walk on eggshells around what we say JUST to make sure we don't say something they consider "racist".  

    And for the people who are saying that the N word is used in a derogatory way....THEN WHY DO YOU SAY IT 2 EACH OTHER??  You are insulting yourself, maybe they should think of it like that.  

    Its bullshit.  PERIOD.

  4. I understand where you are coming from and I did a study on it. It's wrong for anyone to use the term. But when African American use it towards each other they don'tmeantn it in a rude way. When a white person use it it's in a way that they shouldn't use it. Black American feel the same as cracker. When a African American calls A white person a Cracker it hurts feeling but when a white person calls another whit person a cracker they don't take it in that way.

  5. Well, IMHO, no one should use it, it's a terrible word.  But, what blacks are doing is the sociological concept of "taking it back".  The word was created by whites as one way of exerting their power over blacks.  So, by calling each other than name, they're taking the power back from the whites.  It's similar to why homosexuals call each other "q***r".

  6. Typical lib double standard.  If you want to cause some real dirty looks, use the proper term for people of African descent - N'egro.  Yahoo won't even print it if I don't put the ' in it.

  7. It's stupid for anybody to use it.

    Wrong use on one side doesn't justify use on the other.

  8. I understand what you are saying.  It is awful to be said by anyone

  9. If you don't understand, it would be extremely hard to explain it to you. But I will try.

    Suppose you wore glasses in a world where people traditionally looked down at people who wore glasses. Contact lenses were the "accepted" way to see. When someone who wore glasses was taunted by others who didn't wear glasses, they were called "four-eyes". The word "four-eyes" was a derogatory term.

    Lets also say that your best friend also wore glasses. So the two of you would hang around together and it didn't bother either of you that you both wore glasses, even though sometimes people would treat you different because you wore glasses.

    Sometimes you would hear someone say or hollar to you "Four-eyes!!" in a derogatory manner. By that action, you knew that whoever said that was looking down at you because of your glasses. It was rude for any contact-wearing people or people who didn't need corrective lenses to taunt you because you had to wear glasses. You didn't like it.

    But one day when you and your friend were hanging out, she jokingly looked at you through her glasses and playfully called you "four-eyes!". Well, she's wearing glasses, too! You laugh because she wears glasses too, just like you. She's also a "four-eyes".

    It suddenly isn't a derogatory term, because it is put in a context where someone who is also a "four-eyes" is calling that to you. Because of the source, the derogatory nature of the word disappears. The source - your friend - cannot possibly be saying it because they are looking down at you because she is on the same level as you...she also wears glasses.

    So as you both are jokingly calling each other "four-eyes", someone passing by who doesn't wear glasses calls out to you, "Hey, you both are four-eyes!!"

    Do you see the difference?

    If four extremely overweight friends were hanging out and one called another "fatty" or "fatso" it wouldn't really mean too much. But if someone skinny walked by and said "Hey fatty" or "Hey fatso" then there is sting behind the word. See the difference?  

  10. It's a shame isn't it?Many blacks are trying to squash that word in our communities,however,the N-gers still keep putting up a resistance.

  11. yeah I know... it's wierd...  

  12. That's actually considered a nice word where I come from.

  13. It is not OK for anyone to use the word.  There are a few words that should be deleted forever.  

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