
How come kids get punish for something they picked up from home or a relative. Isn't that being hypocritical?

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Why should children get spanked or punish for a wrong they picked up from home or from other family relatives? My mom who smokes two packs of cigarettes a day caught me smoking one of her cigarettes one day and made me eat the whole thing. Then her and my step dad beat the c**p out of me and told me the next time they caught me smoking, they were going to make me eat a whole pack. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.




  1. Let them know they are hypocritical and have the phone number for child services ready for when they start to beat you again.  Call for help.

  2. "Do as I say, not as I do"...right? lol

    They feel they know better than you.  They probably wish they hadn't started smoking.  I can understand their sentiment, but yes it is hypocritical.  Ultimately, it's better to not start smoking - it's a lot harder to stop (for most people) than you can imagine.

  3. in this case, it seems like they just want what is best for you. because they couldn't stop themselves from smoking, they know the negatives that come with it. and it's addictive, so it's really really hard to stop, especially if they smoke 2 packs a day. even if they wanted to stop, it'd be really hard. parents don't want their kids to make the same mistakes they did. my parents try and keep me from doing stupid things that they did when they were younger because they don't want me to have the same regrets.

    and smoking is bad for you anyway. it's unattractive. it's expensive. it messes up your teeth and makes your breath smell. that could also be why they don't want you to smoke.

  4. my mom yells alot and whenever i yell she get really mad at me, and i just say, "where do you think i get it from" and that ends the argument

  5. Your parents punished you because they want you to get the idea that what you did wasn't a good thing. Smoking is an addictive action, and they don't want you to pick up on it. Yes, its hypocritical, but it's saving your life.

  6. First of all, that's child abuse, assuming you're under 18. Second of all, punishments like that scarcely work on people. And your stepfather is a complete fool-if i was you i would threaten him and tell him if he layed another hand on me I'd tell the police, threaten to take him to court.

  7. when you find out let me know

  8. I agree. But sometimes the parents don't want the kids following the wrong path even tough the adult went down that path. My dad cussed like a sailor. I remember being about 3 years old, and I repeated a swear word he used. My mom yelled at me for using that word but at the time I didn't know it was a bad word. He used it, why can't I? When I have kids, I'm going to try my best not to act out or do something that I wouldn't want them to do. We can't be perfect but if we are supposed to teach our kids right from wrong. We need to show it in our actions, not by our words only. That "do as I say" is not a very good tactic. Actions speak louder than words.

  9. Because they don't want you to make the same mistake they did. You should tell them that if they stop then you will.  

  10. Yes, you are right on the Proverbs 22:6. They don't want you to get trapped in the addiction. No one teaches us to be parents.    

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