
How come liberals are not accusing Obama of stealing the nomination?

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You look at the elimination (in effect) of Michigan and Florida voters, the whole superdelagate system (sound elitist to anyone?) the total number of states won. How exactly can democrats use superdelagates in their elections and then whine like school girls when you bring up the electorial college?

Where is the hate speech so frequently employed when talking about your President George W. Bush?




  1. They have one set of standards for themselves and another for everyone else.

  2. Rush is right there with you demanding that every vote be counted on the floor of the convention.  I bet you the more the Messiah's numbers sink the better looking Hillary gets to even the non-drunk democrats.

    The Democratic party is about "do what I say not as I do"  Their candidate is a chain smoker yet your not suppose to smoke.  Bill Clinton was heavy on the burgers, but preached this food n**i government intrusion into your mouth and belly.  They say don't drive so much don't use oil yet they fly around in private jets when commercial would save the planet.  They say drive a small jalopy while they drive the largest SUV available.  Oh and like Kerry say "oh that's not my car that's my wife's".  They say keep religion out of government, but Pelosi makes up Bible verses and Catholic doctrine to justify her propaganda.  

    Take the vote back America vote McCain.  

  3. In the topsy turvy world of liberal logic, anything they do is correct and anything that their opposition does (even if it's the same) is corrupt.

  4. stammer, stammer and stammer.

  5. Because he stole the primary election fair and square.

  6. I know its typical liberal hypocrisy.....Clinton won the pop vote Obama only won because of the S.Ds and than they go and cry the 2000 election was stolen they should lead by example and give the real winner the nonimation Clintion....

  7. How come conservatives are not accusing McCain of stealing the nomination?

    You look at the late entry by Guiliani and the fact that the primaries were irrelevant in over half of the primaries (sound elitist to anyone),  How can republicans whine about the Democrats process when McCain had enough delegates before Pennsylvanians even got to vote?

    Where is all the hate speech so frequently employed when talking about your next President Barack Obama?

  8. im glad everybody on here is a qualified political analyst.

    ok he didnt steal it.....obviously hillary lost....obviously he will be the with it.

  9. He stole if from Hillary -and it wasn't even called stealing because he's black..

    McCain '08!

  10. wow you cons are so oblivious to your own foolishness

  11. Because Obama won the nomination fair and square

    Rove and Bush stole the election buy purging votes and using the sectary of states in question to block votes (Florida, and Ohio)

  12. cause it was bush and d**k that did that .

  13. Please site where Democrats whine about the electoral college.  Parties nominate the candidate for President. Bush became President because of corruption in Florida. Apples and oranges.


  15. Florida and Michigan decided to hold their primaries early, knowing it would cost their delegates their votes--doesn't make any sense, but they did it deliberately and you can't just award all of the votes to Clinton because she decided to break her agreement and remain in the ballot in Mich.

    The superdelegates were once considered to be Hillary's ace in the hole, so that dog doesn't hunt, either.  

    I do think the Electoral College needs to be revamped, and I am ambivalent about the question of superdelegates.

    I think most Republicans wish  McCain were running against Clinton instead of Obama, as well.

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