
How come life seems so much more carefree and easier before one discovers 9/11 was an inside job?

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Is ignorance really "bliss"?




  1. You mean Bill Clinton hired those guys? Why?

    Since they were all training here in the U.S. while he was President and Bush was only Governor of a backwater like Texas.(Where none of their flight training took place)

    Is that why Bill made it harder for U.S. Intel agencies and the FBI the share information?

  2. That's what happens when  you get brainwashed by college students who have nothing but a huge imagination and time on their hands. A huge black hole forms in your head, and before you know it, you start voting Democrat.  

  3. i have a good link too

  4. Really,  how much does a suicide bomber charge?

    Listen to the actually phone calls from flight 93.

    You must be smoking the good stuff.

  5. It was not an inside job. Why would Muslims agree to kill themselves for the American government? That's retarded.

  6. Politicians can't even keep their sexual liaisons a secret.  Why would some inside job conspiracy that would take a huge number of people to pull off be so successful?  Do you really have such a jaded view of humanity to think that not one of the massive number of people who had to be involved if it WAS an inside job would not have leaked it to save over a thousand innocent lives?  If it was an inside job, why would Al Qaeda take credit for it?  There's thousands of "sources" on the Internet that say that the moon landing was faked, but that doesn't mean that its true.

  7. In this case ignorance is bliss. I sometimes wish I had never realised the truth, or at least the untruths, it is a burden on the soul.

    I have tried to find something to make be believe the official story, but I can't. I read the Popular Mechanics book, and it is an insult to the reader's intelligence.

    A lot of people draw an analogy between Watergate, or the Bill Clinton peccadilloes becoming public knowledge, but what they seem to ignore is that an individual President is pretty low down the food chain, and is dispensable, in the larger scheme of things.

    It seems that the pretend dissidents are doing a pretty good job, setting up ridiculous theories, that even the less intelligent can see through, and having congratulated themselves on their astute reasoning powers, then take their next "logical" step of thinking that if one crazy theory is nonsense, then all critiques of the official story are nonsense. Scary.

  8. I think its time you conspiracy clowns start doing some real research.  Take flight 93 for example. Its common knowledge the plane crashed into a strip mine. The opening footage of troofer videos show a smokey crater,(so you cant see much debris, and they dont show the surrounding woods which are burnt) and any dipshit that wants to know the truth should compare United 93 with PSA flight 1771. Instead, of listening to Alex Jones.

    If the govt could not keep watergate or Clintons ******** a secret; then how the **** do you expect them to keep something as big as 9/11 a secret?

    From all the edited troofer videos i have seen i can safely say that all you inside jobbers are either idiots, or you are intentionally lying, or both.

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