
How come man does not attempt to step on the moon again?

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We all heard that man already succeeded to step on the moon way back many years. How come that there are no launching happened ever since that attempt especially now that we have stronger and improved technology? I know it really takes a brave heart to do it but just last year, i heard a debate about the controversy about man crossing the moon, many people were curious if man really did step on the moon...




  1. well my friend man did cros on the moon since that time but you should watch the nationalgeorafiqe chanel or the discovery chanel anyway the have a big plan that is going to be lunched in 2010 they're planing to go to the oon and to try to do some experiment there!!!

  2. LoL... we never went.

    Which is more probable?

    We went to the moon, and we're going back then to Mars and then off to Zeta Reticuli.


    Our governments have sold us out to the coming 4th Reich and plan on forcing you to take this:

  3. This answer has been selected for you. Man walk on moon, man fall off moon, man no go back there, man will fall again.

  4. We have already done that. Why do it again when you could study more things. The moon is not the only thing in the universe

  5. man never went to the moon. people say he did, now i ask how did he go to the moon in 1969 and he cant go almost 40 years later?

  6. Cuz it's a waste of money

  7. because actually when the first time man ever went to the moon wasn't just to 'try and see if it works', but they went for a mission. to find out what the moon was and how it got there in the first place and stuff beacause people have been researching for hundreds of years. the people brought back rocks and stuff and they found out what the moon was so maybe they 'can't be stuffed' and so they don't really need to and plus it costs heaps of money to send someone there.... though it would be fun...

  8. The only controversy is among uninformed and overly suspicious people.  NASA had six successful manned lunar landings between 1969 and 1972.

    As for why nobody has replicated the feat since, there wasn't enough public or administrative interest to justify it.  Additionally, it seemed as though there was nothing left to discover on the Moon.

  9. ppl dont want to die

  10. i think there r scared

  11. gud question.....hmmmm...

  12. Simple. The moon doesn't have much more to offer. Maybe a scientific outpoust in years to come, but other than that why bother? We went to the moon already and did everything there is to do there. And with the economy the way it is, and NASA being a government funded agency, would you rather see your tax dollar going towards landing on the moon which we did multiple times before with nothing more to do, or sending probes to Mars or Europa? Personally, I would rather see it go to Europa.

    And the moon landings cost tons of money, and are very dangerous, even though like you said, we have better technology. We are better off just sending probes up there because it is cheaper, a lot safer, and they can do pretty much anything a human can do.

    And the moon doesn't have anything left to offer. Like I said, maybe in the far future, a scientific outpoust will be put up there for observation because the moon has no atmosphere and a better look at the night sky than on earth, but other than that, the moon is yesterday's news.

  13. We have landed on the moon, no doubt about it. Was it worth what we spent on it? NO! Now they not only want to go back to the moon they want to go to Mars. Until we meet the basic needs of all human kind of food, clean water and medical care we have no business spending the multi hundreds of billions of dollars to send manned missions to the planets.

  14. um cause we already did it once? I mean, what the point of doing it again? lol jk I really dont' know.;_ylc=...

  15. The biggest reason we have not returned to the moon is because of a lack of public support. An example would be that 12months person who answered above. She is one of many who has irrational objections. If she really felt that way then she would be opposed to almost every single public effort in existance. Does she think the post office is a good idea? Well...we spend A LOT more on it then on the space program. How about other science research that gave her the computer she is using?

    If the government felt the public wanted to return, we probably would and quickly.

  16. Because he never did! It's a hoax!

  17. We went and found that it isn't mad of cheses and there is nothing there, save our money to visit mars.

  18. The moon landing by the Apollo missions are true and nothing fake in that.

    The mission was targeted to check the presence of atmosphere, surface conditions and to take the soil and the rock material for testing which was completed within the series planned except for the failure of Apollo 13 mission.

    The mission is prohibitively expensive since the payload of 3600 tons and the lunar module with mother craft with control needs to be brought to DOWN TO EARTH COST.

    The current installation of INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION (ISS) will be the future launching pad supposed toI cut the cost by one tenth of earlier mission. Not just the moon, other planetary expeditions and a full solar vacation trips could be planned by the future missions from NASA!

  19. No oil there.


  20. because theres a such thing as using money wisely and not keeping your head in the clouds when ppls lives and well being are at stake. ever thought of that??

  21. Just pasted this answer to another question.

    I won't bother explaining why it wasn't a hoax. I'll answer quite simply, by saying that it would have been IMPOSSIBLE for many reasons to pull a hoax like that..

    The reasons we haven't been back in 36 years are as follows:

    It was extremely expensive to send two men there for a couple of days. Because the wallet is in the pockets of politicians, they saw that THEIR goal had been achieved, which was to beat the Soviets and ratchet up the national prestige a bit. The scientific considerations didn't concern them. Three further missions were planned, but cancelled.

    You don't just build a rocket and find three blokes to put in it. It was called the Apollo PROGRAM because there was a h**l of a lot of development in it. It's the same way that a country can't instantly stage the Olympic Games. Many are capable of it, but the things that go on are not things that normally go on in that country, and have to be planned, built, used, and dismantled afterwards.

    Because the program was ended, it would have to be begun again to go back. It's only recently that this has been considered seriously, and they've been doing other things meanwhile. The shuttle, the ISS, planetary exploration. And now that they have started work on it again, they want to be able to go back for longer than two days, and to do more than collect rocks. That's going to take some serious R & D.

  22. because they have already done it, i mean come on, its like watching a BLU-RAY movie, do you watch a movie again straight after watching it

  23. Project Apollo did all happen, just as many good histories of it can explain. The result was six successful and fairly effective landings where a fair bit of good science was done.

    It stopped for the usual reasons: Money & politics. When the politicians see that something isn't that important to the public, to affect how they vote, such things don't get lots of money.

    Flying to the Moon in the 60s & 70s was fairly expensive. Apollo cost $24 billion in 1969 dollars.

    Now, its fair to say that we also have needs on Earth, but the US spends less than 1% of it's federal budget on NASA, and NASA does do things on Earth (The first "A"in it's name is Aeronautical), too, that make our daily lives safer.

    As to the Moon denier nutcases, well, why are some people just bat sh*t crazy ? Thats about what it takes to try to deny something so large and well documented as Apollo, the JFK assassination or 9/11. Yet some people try to deny all of those events. The fact remains that the facts do NOT support their insane ravings.

  24. We have actually landed people on the moon several times since the original landing.  The first was the most famous because it was the first.  However, there have been other missions to the moon since that aren't as famous.  However, nowadays, mankind has already felt like we have conquered the moon and it is time to move on to farther goals, such as mars.

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