
How come men can't pee with the seat down....♥?

by  |  earlier

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I just super glued my seat down.....Now we will see if they can


Good idea


dumb broad your gonna get your azz kicked




  1. I shouldn't have to raise it before I go and lower it after I go.  

    You can catch one of those for me.

    Equal rights, baby!

  2. i can pee threw a cheerio at 10 paces.

  3. Hmm  I like writing my name in large print when I go....and it's better than having to clean up after those with bad aim.  Go one step further and paint targets on the side of the bowl with a point system.

  4. lol

    haha you're a genius!

    LMAO wow im gonna go do that too!

  5. i say good because they sit anyway when they go number 2.  didn't want VN

  6. I can.

    And not spill a drop on the seat or anywhere else.

  7. i think most mens are just alittle bit lazzy to seat dowm for pee...

  8. to the guy up there who said about the urine going in a tottaly different direction, i agree there there have been times i had to pee facing the door which is directly to the left if im peeing, but yea, we can pee with it down, i ussualy do, if i spill on the seat, i grabe some TP and clean it up, simple

  9. we can. just as easily. we lift up the seat so we dont pee all over it and make the women angry

    it just makes it worse for you because now, when you go to sit down to use the toilet there will be urine all over the seat.

    you're the only one suffering from glueing down the seat. you've made it easier for the guys, now they dont have to touch the toilet to lift up the seat

  10. bad's not that guys can't pee with the seat down, it's that we want them to put the seat up because they have poor aim...

  11. Umm we can. Dont be a stereotypical sexist.

  12. They certainly can, they sit just like the girls.

    I think we should start a toilet seat revolution lets make the f'in things with a seat that doesn't lift! There is no good reason for men to stand and pee except to make more work (cleaning) for women, and to torture us in the middle of the night when our a$$ez fall through.

    *** it, I'll build a home with 2 toilets in every bathroom, better yet a urinal. Yeah, why don't more homes have urinals?

  13. Well doll, you just phucked yourself.  We lift the lid out of consideration to YOU. Even when we're on our best behavior, have perfect aim and the stream goes straight into the toilet, we still dribble.  So thinking of you we lift the seat so you wont have to sit in it.

    A woman of your experience should have know that.  Take consolation in that now you will have something to remember us by.

  14. Im a guy and pee with the seat down

    and just because you are a girl, doesnt mean you get special treatment by always having the seat down.. its 50/50.. fair game

  15. I wish women wouldn't always leave the toilet seat down!!

    (Not really, but I'm making a point here).

    My parents were divorced when I was about five, and I lived with my mother and brother.     As my mother didn't like us splattering urine on the toilet seat, she always wanted it left up.     Simple.

    Incidentally, men aren't that careless about aiming, sometimes with secretions, the tip of the urethra sticks together, causing the urine stream to go off in an unexpected direction when beginning urination.

    Women are always complaining about men leaving the toilet seat up, well we have every right to complain about women leaving the seat down!      Now THAT's equality of the sexes!!

    Not a good idea to glue the seat down, to answer your question---there are reasons to leave it up.      And it will be more difficult to clean the toilet with the seat glued down.

  16. Hi Lucky Star,

      Hehehehehehehehe..Good ideal but you are going to get your Butt kicked,plus pee all over the toilet seat..Thank You for my first laugh today My Friend.

    Your Friend,


  17. Why doesn't women try to pee standing and see if they wouldn't wet seat a bit too. It is a matter of Physics. When the flow of water begins or ends, it tends to bend towards the source until enough pressure is maintained to keep the flow straight. In order to never wet the seat, pee would have to come out and stop like a beam of light.

  18. oh yes, they can! i know some guys who do pee with the seat down and they can pee seating down, too!

  19. Welll...its looks then you'll be cleaning my pee in the near future

    good luck with that!

  20. Erm, you do realise, that you'll now be responsible for cleaning up the urine stains?

  21. Girl:you are way generalizing here:I always sit peeing:do not like spatters on my clothes or on the floor:totally unhygienic .

    So the idea of superglue:toss that in the trash


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