
How come men dont get all ga-ga over babies like women do?

by Guest64251  |  earlier

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I know its not their "nature", but why isnt it?




  1. Men actually do, just in a more father way. Woman have to carry the babies for 9 months and go through birth so they feel more connected with every baby they see. A man doesn't have that close of a connection with them, because they were not made to make babies. They want to rough house and teach a kid to be safe, while we just go AWWW at any noise the baby makes. Its not that they don't go "ga-ga" its just they don't share teh same bond with a baby because they don't undergo birth of a baby.

    And I don't go "ga-ga" over babies at all. Im not ready to have them and I don't feel like im ready to be a mother yet. So just think of it that way when it comes to a man. When they are ready to have kids they will connect more with them in a AWWW way!

  2. Because they are men?  My bf gets gaga over baby stuff, but I think it's the gadgetry more than that it is baby stuff.

  3. Some men do. My brother is the first person to pick up a friends baby for a cuddle. But I think it is hormonal and instinctive for a woman to melt over a baby (or even a picture of a baby!!)

  4. there are over 6.8 billion people in this world to look at... what makes him/her so special??

  5. I am a guy and I love babies, I am the second oldest of nine kids and my youngest sister is 4, I miss having babies around the house.

    And Fannie Pregnant with #1 Your a STUPID MORON!!!! We are not animals, we are humans created in the image of God! We have souls and animals do not!

  6. Some men were taught to keep their emotions bottled.

    Others completely love being around babies.

  7. nature, my a$$... having a little boy or girl that is directly a part of you in terms of traits, heritage, etc... is the most wonderful thing that can happen to a MAN... i.e. not a kid!

    You are referring to "kids" not going gaga over babies like women... watch ur words cupidgirl, LOL  :-)

  8. Seems to be the nature of the beast; it's in the nature of our programming.

    Actually, scientists have measured emotional reaction to babies by dilation of the pupil.  Degree of response was, in this order:

    Women who have children

    Women who don't have children very closely tied with Men who have children

    Men who don't have children

    Mothers generally respond very warmly to babies.  Single men are generally turned off.

  9. It's an hormonal thing. Remember, we are still animals, no matter how civilized we wanna behave. In the prehistoric times (and even only 100 years ago) women were the ones who stayed home and took care of the babies.

    Some men do get all gaga over babies (my bf does) but most men don't feel the urge to have babies like we do --they don't have a biological clock like us, and they can procreate until their late 50s while we "naturaly" difficultly can after 40. I know, nowadays, with doctors and all it's not the same anymore. But it's still in our hormones to feel pressured ;)

    But I do think, with time, men will pick up that "paternal" instinct -- they've already started ;) --as they care more and more for their babies

  10. I am one of those "don't" types. Ugh. Sorry, ladies, but babies gross me out. Noisy, smelly things. Eat c**p whine, eat c**p whine...over and over and over. Ugh. Give me a Schnauzer any day.

  11. says who? my husband had baby fever, not me. whenever we are around babies or kids in general he is the one that holds them and plays with them and kids are drawn to him like a magnet. i really don't care about holding and playing with babies, never have. i guess generally it's a hormonal thing. testosterone causes less maternal instinct, estrogen causes more.

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