
How come more and more restaurants are not offering courtesy drinks anymore?

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Just wondering




  1. Well, the skinny is that if you are thirsty and you have water in front of you, you will drink it.  If you don't have water in front of you, you will order a drink that is not free. It's to make money.

  2. I know that when I go out to eat with my boyfriend, he won't touch the water in front of him. it's like that with several people I go out to eat with. imagine that you have to wash all of those cups, and for every table people sat at, at least one cup with water was wasted. it's a cost thing. and the whole "let's make more money by making them order a drink."

  3. Probably a cost issue, reduce waste and save money

  4. What kind of drink? If you are talking water, then all you have to do is ask. But not many places offer water anymore. I think it's because soo many people drink water now. You as a customer are more intised to order coffee or a soda if you don't see the water.

    If you mean alcoholic, then probably times have changed. In PA, places cannot buy you a drink, it's illegal. I guess it happens but they are not allowed to advertise "free drinks". It's all about the underage drinking. Darn kids!!!!

  5. Inflation. Prices are rising, so they need to work harder to save money.

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