
How come most bad storms occur in the evening?

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How come most bad storms occur in the evening?




  1. probably because all the moisture built up in the clouds gets to heavy so it rains, plus the humidity build up increases to

  2. Maximum heating. That is, as temperature increases through out the day, so too does convection. Convection is one important ingredient to Thunderstorm development. Hence why storms develop later in the day (not always of course, but generally.)

    Also, you can think of temperature as energy. The higher the temperature the higher the available energy and thus likelihood for storm formation. Warmer air ( a parcel if you will) can hold more moisture than cooler air.

    There are always exceptions and everything is relative of course. Additionally, there are many,many other weather phenomena that are not "brought to life" until later in the day such as a sea breeze.

  3. Most bad storms happen in the evening because it is the hottest part of the day. Heat and humidity cause storms to form, and the hotter it is, the more likely storms are to form.

  4. To be more specific, they occur on the evening of very hot days.  The heat during the day evaporates water from the earth and saturates the atmosphere.  Then, in the evening it begins to cool, and the air can't hold all that water vapor anymore.  The result is a storm.  

    I live in Michigan, where this effect is amplified due to the Great Lakes.  It is almost a given that after a 90-degree day, there will be a thunderstorm that night.

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