
How come most greeks have blue eyes?

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i noticed that when i went to greece and the rest have green or hazel eyes i never seen a greek with dark brown eyes




  1. the majority have brown eyes........ but in north greece there are many that have blue eyes..

  2. Don't you think the fact that many people in Northern Greece have blue eyes proves the fact that they have Slavic origins?

  3. *chuckles*

    ahem yeah right

  4. They don't and the question is bull - if you have spent any time at all in Greece you will see that 90% have dark brown eyes due to the sun!

  5. katerina mou, ti vlakeies les??? o.O

    I'm Greek with dark brown eyes, brown hair and I'm dark!

    Soo whattt?????

    loipon, I'm mixed with brazilian "ellinovraziliana" and I go to the beachs everydays because I do surf here in Portugal... however eimai ellhnida, melaxrini me kastana matia!!!!

    And If I go to the beachs everydays and I'm mixed It dosen't metter coz many people from greece has dark hair and eyes, so many whitout beach or mix from other country.

    I can't understand why people talk a lot about color, color, color and color... For me It dosen't mean anything.

    Do u like people with blue eyes, blond and sooo white? Okay :) It's your opinion and I respect IT whitout problem... (But just don't say that there is not greeks with dark brown eyes, please)

    Well, I like dark coz It's more tropical, more diferent, more summer, more surf style.. I don't know how 2 explain but IT'S ME.. my opinion!

    Black, blond, dark, white, green, blue and pink dosen't mean anything coz It's just COLOR! mpaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

  6. because of strangers dominations

  7. Most Greeks have brown eyes, which proves again that you may have never visited Greece or seen a Greek (let alone being Greek)LOL

    BTW, aren't you the one with beautiful blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes?

    Just wondering........

  8. You really "ask" (state) some amusing questions.

    I know a dozen of so Greeks, all of which have brown eyes, and not liking generalisations don't (a) proclaim my expertise (ignorance) constantly by asking questions or (b) make assumptions that a small focus group = the population at large

    Something tells me that you have never as much as set foot in Greece.  Maybe you should visit and learn information first hand.

  9. You have NEVER seen a Greek with dark brown eyes? LOL! I don't know what kind of "Greeks" you have seen then...

    MOST Greeks DO NOT have blue eyes dear. They have BROWN eyes. You would know that if you were Greek/had been in Greece/had seen Greeks (real ones I mean, not from Scandinavia)/were interested in Greece...

    PS  I hate all these "Greeks are Vikings" questions...

  10. Ok, first of all Greeks are Southern European not Scandinavian!

    Most Greeks have medium/light brown eyes.

    ~10% have colored eyes.

  11. Look some more and you'll see that most Greeks have brown eyes.In my family we are so many people and only grandma and I have green eyes everyone else has brown.Yia sou.

  12. That must be due to their genetic pattern

  13. Maybe is because you wear blue sunglasses and you see smurfs everywhere... which is a cool thing to do!!! Especially if you are little drunk ...and suddenly the world becomes a more funny place!!!

  14. Well Greece is a mediterannean country and ,therefore, most Greeks have brown-black eyes... Of course there are some with green or hazel eyes, but that's not the majority!


  15. They don't, most of the Greeks have brown eyes.

    I adore brown eyes by the way, do you? I also want to join your tea party with Suddenly Skopje, Ellas, GreekGoddess and Preppy. I have to dye my hair though, will you accept me as a fake blonde? What if I use fake avatars? Will you then accept me?

  16. Actually, most don't.

  17. There are some that have (my mother) but not all,

    Greeks has more hazel or as we call "meli" (the colour of the honey) eyes....wich i found more interesting and warm than the light blue...

  18. how come my whole family have green and blue eyes and dirty blond hair except my dad he has gray lol...and we are 100%greek i think u dont wanna admit that greeks come in all colours

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