
How come most pro life aren't vegetarians?

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i mean when all said and done it's a life.




  1. We recognise that There is a difference between animals and humans. A human is a child of god.  The scriptures are full of refferences to the fact that god placed animals on earth for the use of man.

    Is it good to respect our animals, and take care of them???

    Yes, certanly,

    Are animals anywhere near the level of human beings,

    No, Absolutley not.

    The whole evelution thing where they say humans evolved from Apes is absolutley false.  And has no basis in reality.

  2. Big difference between Human and animal life.  Plants are 'living" also.  So should we just all eat dirt---wait-Dirt has trillions of microbes which is a "life"

  3. Why should they be. Even plants/vegetables are also a part of life. Eating them also means killing them right ?.

    Summum ius summa inuria.

  4. It is all life yes, but its hard to compare the two. First off MOST people don't eat baby animals or fertilized eggs. Secondly there seems to be more 'purpose' to killing an animal for food than to abort a human gestation. You raise a good point of the arrogance of humans for placing the value of human life above all others, but this is an innate adaptive trait which pushes for our species to become stronger.

    When it comes down to it though, these are two separate debates and one cannot be called a hypocrite for eating meat and being pro-life, or being vegan and being pro-choice. There are many other arguments (some valid, some not so much), in the abortion debate.  

  5. Does this really belong in this section? Stop trying to spark the whole abortion debate in the pregnancy section.

    EDIT: Just got your message. I would normally not answer questions that I don't like such as the plentiful 'Am I pregnant?' questions, but I think this subject has been done to death on yahoo answers and especially in the pregnancy section where parents and parents-to-be don't want to discuss it daily. No-one will ever agree with each other on this debate - that's the fact of life and no matter how strong any ones opinions are on the topic, all this debate does is anger and hurt people, oh what fun! So why do we have to bring it up everyday - can we not just live with the fact that every one is different and is entitled to their own views? That same fact is raised when you ask why I answered this question in the first place - it's my opinion, am I not entitled to it? If you don't like to hear other peoples opinions, why do you ask such a controversial question in the first place?

    Your question simply stated: "How come most pro life aren't vegetarians? i mean when all said and done it's a life." Your question, however much you feel it was aimed at people who have kept their babies because they don't believe in abortion in this section, states nothing of that fact in the question. Your question asks why if people are pro-life, do they eat meat and fish? Therefore, I think this question is more appropriate in either the 'Vegetarian & Vegan' section or the 'Other - Food & Drink' section in the main Food & Drink category.

    I don't mean to cause any bad feelings with you and I hope I haven't offended you in any way at all. Thanks for your congratulations, hope you are well :)

  6. "The whole evelution thing where they say humans evolved from Apes is absolutley false. And has no basis in reality."

    Haha, thanks for the laugh squishy.  Excuse me for a moment while I pray to the giant Spaghetti Monster in the sky.

  7. Hmm, lets think about this for a minute, because human life and animal life are not EQUAL.  Duh.  Anyone who puts animals on the same level as humans has issues.

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