
How come my baby finishes her bottel in 2 hours??

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I have 5 month old beautiful baby gurl,she finished her (6 oz) bottle of formula milk in about 2 hours even though i burb her every2 oz,why is that? and no she doesn't have colic anymore,could it be the nipple,should i change it? did any one have this situation b4? if so how did u deal with it? thanks :)




  1. Most nipples/teats change at 3 months and then again at 6 months so at 5 months, I would put her on the 6 month nipple in order to encourage her to drink more steadily.

    I also wouldn't let her take 2 hours to drink, otherwise it must feel like an endless cycle of feeding for her and you. Plus it says on most formula packets that once made it up it should be used within an hour and then discarded.

  2. I, of course, don't know what stage nipple you're using.  When that happened with my son I moved him up a stage.  When I purchased the last ones, stage three, I noticed some of them were not open all the way.  You may want to be on the look out for that as well.  Also, I am curious to know, how often does your baby girl eat?

  3. You say she isn't colicky anymore, but is she fussing a little bit? If she is, the formula could be causing her tummy to be upset.

    Do you feed her when she gives you a hunger cue? If you aren't following her hunger cues, she may just not be very hungry. I found that out the hard way when a family member insisted I try putting my daughter on a schedule when she was much younger and not ready for one. She would just chew the bottle and wasn't really interested in eating. Now she does great on a schedule and sucks all of her bottles down in about 10 minutes.

    If she is not fussing and is definitely hungry, I would definitely recommend going to the next stage nipple. And please be careful if she continues the long feedings - formula starts to sour after about an hour and a half to two hours.

  4. i am having the sme prob..i tried a diffenretnt teat and he practiclly choke son it..weird...i just being patient at the moment

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