
How come my board flies behind me when i try to ollie?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever try to do an ollie i can get the board in the air but for some reason it keeps flying behind me. Anyone know what might be the reason for that to happen?




  1. I dont know how fast you are going but if not fast enough try faster.

    and also, try stomping straight down with your back foot, you might be pushing down and back which will push the whole thing back.

  2. the most likly cause is that when u try to pop ur just pushing the board back, when u pop the board it is pushed straight down with as much force as possible, the board needs to be able to bounce off the ground and into the air a bit so u need to get ur back foot off once you start to pop it.

    another reason maybe that u have to much weight on ur front foot, try putting as much weight as u can on ur back foot while still keeping the board stable.

    if ur leaning really far forward it may cause this as well.

    ollies take time to learn and after that alot more time to perfect, keep at it keep practicing no one gets it rite away. the ollie is very important to learn cuz it opens up hundreds of alot more fun and more impressive tricks

  3. Slide your front toes foward when you jump of your back foot.

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