
How come my cat follows me?

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HOw come my cat follows me like, everywhere! He always wimpers when i leave the room. Why is this?




  1. Maybe he likes you?  

  2. he loves yooooooooou!!!! awww :)

  3. He loves you so much, he wants you to never leave your home.

  4. if the cat has become attached to u and was used to being around u, it wont want to leaveas knows its safe

  5. Cats can be very faithful.  

  6. my cat does the same thing. he loves you! its cute. i think that when i leave the room he thinks i am never coming back.  

  7. He  loves you and is very attached to you. Our tom cat does the same from time to time.

  8. he really likes you. You should spend more time with him.

  9. Oh! He loooves you and misses you!!!

    My beloved Princess used to have a special little cry for me when she first came to live with me and she would lose sight of me!! It was so sweet!! Then she grew out of it (perhaps becuz she knew where I was, in the apartment) but she never stopped loving me and following me.  

  10. It's attatched to you. It loves you!! Cuuuute!

  11. my cat follows me and cries when he wants something. is he hungry? does he want his litter cleaned? cats are pretty independent so i think he/she is asking you for something. im sure he loves you but maybe you should try listening to your cat if he wimpers. Good luck! xoxo.

  12. He's a loyal cat. He loves you. You treat him very well.

  13. Aww, because he loves you!!! :D

    Cats are mammals, they need love y'no! :)

  14. That's simple. He likes you. ^.^

  15. this may sound funny, but I had to teach our kitten, that I always come back..Just because I go out of a room or thru a door, doesn't mean i wont come back..I did this by letting her watch me go out a door, and then come back in..i did wait a few minutes before re-entering the far, so good

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