
How come my download and upload speed changes?

by  |  earlier

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I went to last night and download was 7105 kb/s and my upload was 2137 kb/s......which was strange because my download is usually higher and my upload is usually lower. Then I took it again this morning and download was 23733 kb/s and upload was 3788 kb/s. Can anyone tell me why it changes all the time?




  1. It can also depend on the server you test to. If they are overloaded, that may effect your results. If your computer was using anything for the internet in the background, that would effect the speed. If anyone else on your network was utilizing anything on the internet, that would effect the speed. On the upload side, CPU usage at the time, can drastically effect the speed.

    There are a lot of reasons the speeds can change. On top of all server/client side issues, your internet provider may have issues or bandwidth restrictions at peak times. There are tons of reasons, hope that helps.

  2. It may depend if you have any other programs running at the time, that you may have not had running during the last test, or you may have removed something or deleted cookies/temporary files. It really depends on what you have done that day. As in cleaning your system, or having Cookies pilled up.

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