
How come my face is red all the time?

by Guest62246  |  earlier

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ok I'm 16 but i had this for a while my face is red all the time even if i just woke up or if I'm not doing anything. when i go outside it turns more red but that's from being in the sun . what can help me keep the red off.plz




  1. possibly roseacea.  this problem affect girls more than it does boys.  it is thought to be an inume problem!!

  2. blood isnt circulating to other areas ?

    I'm thinking the blood is just around your cheeks (x

  3. It could be rosacea, aloe gel does work because it soothes. Try to stay in cool places and drink tons of water. The person above who stated that a reduction in sugar and carbs will help if not erase the problem of rosacea is definitely correct. My derm diagnosed me with rosacea and mild acne (when rosacea worsens it can include some acne), and the meds he prescribed helped some but not a lot. The problem could be your diet, exercise and sleeping habits - basically the lkind of lifestyle you have. If you do have rosacea it sounds like you might be in the early stages which includes a scattering of redness, but it does progress with time. When I was looking for help online I stumbled on this site: Explore the site some and sign up for the free weekly emails at the bottom, I know it says it's for acne, but in reality it helped me get rid of my acne and rosacea (I don't know why but although they aren't the same skin problem, they both went away when i changed my diet) , and I kid u not, now I'm clear. Sign up for those free emails.

  4. it could be something called roseatia. I'm not exactly sure what that is but that could definitely be one of the reasons. That's something you should talk to your doctor about. Another reason is that you probably just have naturally red cheeks, like i do. If they bother you, just put on some foundation that evens out the skin color. Hope this helps!

  5. my cuzon is like that and she doesnt know why either...i tell her to go to the dermatologist but she doesnt listen to me...u should go

  6. Sounds like Rosacea.  Google it and it's a lifetime thing.  I have it too.  It can be controlled, but you need to see a dermatologist.  You may be prescribed Metrogel or a pill that also works for acne (forgot the name).  Sun exposure, heat, and other triggers aggravates the condition.

  7. Not seeing it and not being a doctor I can't say for certain, but it could be rosacea.  Check with a dermatologist and see, there's cream for that and it does work.  Limiting sugary carbs will help immediately if it is rosacea.

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