
How come my guitar does not hold the note?

by  |  earlier

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When i strum the 4th 5th and 6th strings they hold for a short while but the 1st three just ring for 2-3 seconds and buzz alot too! Is this just that its bowed and hitting the frets without me applying pressue??




  1. I would try lifting the bridge...

  2. Hello,,could be the truss rod needs adjusted,,could be it's not in tune,,could be you're pounding the c**p out of it,,could be your pickups are too close and the electromagnetic field is pulling too hard on them,coul;d be a mixed set of strings,could be,,could be,,

  3. Do you have the right caliber of string for it?

  4. are you putting steel string in a guitar that needs normal ones?

  5. you probably need a neck adjustment.  take it to a local music store.  

    you can also replace the strings.

    you should be good to go...

  6. It's not the guitar it's the person holding the guitar

  7. is it electric or acoustic if it is acoustic you may have worn out your lower bridge and need to replace it if it is electris you need to rais the action of the first three lower bridge pieces because the buzz is being caused by the strings beeing to close to the neck and touching frets while they are open or if you think that it is really bowed you need a new neck and i would like to know how you managed that were you washing it with soap and water letting it sit in the rain sticking it next to heaters ?

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