
How come my hermit crab won't change shells?

by  |  earlier

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I have three hermits. Two I have had for around a month, and one I have had for 3 days. The older ones a PP crabs and one has changed shells twice. The other ones haven't changed once, I know they change when they're ready and I provided around 7 shells for them but they don't change! I'm being paranoid but what do I do?

Also were is a place were I can buy shells CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP! I heard Hobby Lobby is good....




  1. Well maybe the shells aren't big enough for them to move in or too big. Give them some time because maybe they like the shell there in.

  2. Hermit crab mainly change shells when they are either too tight or don't feel secure in them. Your hemit crab's shell is probably perfect size for him/her, and feels comfortable. Just give it some time and it will probably change.

  3. you shouldnt be so concerned ..when it gets too tight they will crawl out to a bigger shell unless you supplied too small of shells... if they are big enough dont worry... its instinct and there not that stupid

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