
How come my mom is such a *****?

by  |  earlier

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Im not sure if my mom has mental problems, but she is retarted........ Well a while back I asked my mom if I could move because I have a lot of reasons, she was okay with it untill we finished up the house, then right when we were done(with my friends helping a spent over a month) she told me we're not moving. I was like wtf mom you used me to fix up the house. she was like well you should fix up your own house anyway because im a *****. then I asked for my money back that I spent into fixing the house and refused to give it back. I got pissed at my mom then she got 1000000x times more pissed then I got then she started yelling at me, my dad, my sister and every1 right in front of my friends. I tried handeling it like a man but wtf my mom did cant be justified. Is there any possible way I can get my mom in a mental instatution or sumthin because untill my mom becomes more mature then me I'm not going to respect her.




  1. I think your right. You should talk to her and your dad about this, and consider calling a therapist. But she seriously didnt give u any money??

  2. Show some respect.

  3. I know you don't want to hear this but after all brain injury, retarded, whatever she is your mom and you should respect her. Don't yell at her don't swear at would you feel if you had a child like you? She deserves respect.

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