
How come my rat eats constantly? PLZ ANSWER THIS PPL 10 POINT GIVIN?

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hes just a greedy sod, lol, hes eats all the vegitables i feed him, and most of his food, and hes geting pear-shaped, is this ok? also, my other rat is to skinny! HEKLP ME PLZ!




  1. Try taking both the rats and feeding them seperate. Take them both out every morning and every evning ( maybe even in the afternoon till you get the skinny ones weight up) and feed them both a little pile of food. Take them out seperatly so they dont eat each others food. Throw any leftovers away after the rats seem uninterested. i hope i made since if you have any more ?'s about my method email me.

  2. Rats are a lot like dogs. There is always a dominant rat, and another more passive one, and so on. The dominant one assumed that he gets all the first dibs, so when you feed him, he will naturally know thta he gets to eat first basically. The passive rat can also eat, but will most likely get shooed away from the food, and will have to wait for the dominant one to lose interest first.

    Obviously, with this routine, the dominant one will be a lot fatter.

    The best solution is to separate them while they eat. If oyu have a multi-leveled cage (which you should), you can part the levels, and feed one rat on one level, and the other elsewhere. Also use different bowls. Eventually, they will jsut go to thier "levels" after learning this is where they get fed. You can also use a spare cage or somethign the same way, just make sure they both have access to water.

  3. maybe you should try having two bowls? It's not healthy for a rat to become obese, their little bodies cant handle all the extra baggage.

    What a pig! lol

  4. What I would probabally do is seperate them when they eat, make sure "skinny" eats plenty and watch how much he eats. Also you could either give him a small amount of food but make sure its enough for him/her, or I would let him/her eat a reasonable amount and take out the leftovers..... feel free to email me 4 anything! I hope my answer really helped ya!!!

  5. try hand-feeding the skinny rat some fatty treats. if that doesn't help you may want to see a vet.

  6. Depends on your version of skinny.  Is the rat boney and underweight or is it sleek but with some muscle tone?  

    Rats can take on different shapes and sizes.  Especially males.  You can get big fat squishy bucks who are on healthy diets but still large, or you can get sleek little bucks which are just a smaller rat and doesnt have fat rolls.  

    If your rat is definitely underweight, boney or looking malnutritioned feed it lots of nutritional food and feed it separately so the other one doesnt pig out.  You'll need to figure out what types of things to include in its diet.  

    There is soy milk, baby food, avocado (avocado in small amounts and dont give skin or the pip as they are toxic), boiled or scrambled eggs my boys love when their sick too

    I'll find a site or two with diets and list them below. There are heaps of diets and suggestions if you google them.  

    Just be careful to not over do protein or fat as it'll cause your rat to become too fat and cause health problems.  If you do your reaseach you wont have a problem.

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