I'm a single mother, my sons dad is not in the picture. Actually he terminated his rights last year and hasn't seen him since christmas of 2006. I'm doing very well for myself though. I have a house, car, land and the same job for 4 years. So when i work, my parents watch my son and i pay them babysitting money each month. I am very thankful for how much they help me, and plus they love him to death. But my question is my son acts different when he is at my house than my parents house. He doesn't want to mind sometimes, he pitches fits when he don't get his way and sometimes he won't even eat at home. He has even told me before that he doesn't want to stay with me, he wants to stay with mawmaw and pawpaw, but when he goes to my parents he's good and he eats like a pig and he's very happy there. Is there anything i can do to make him more happy and behave? I take him places, we do stuff together so it's not like i'm no fun. Any suggestions?