
How come my step dad BUSTS?

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hi. he BUSTS in my room everyday, insult me, call me names, says mean things, hate that i am girl, etc. i don't do anything,i do everything that he wants,etc. but he still is CRAZY and BUSTS everyday! i mind my business and try to live my life but he does this stuff and now i am wreaked! and what do i do? how to deal? this is no joke. i try call police but it backfired. and my mom takes his side automaticclaly. and is ten time worse than he is! she always insults me, makes my look a mean monster, is greedy, even got me fired from my jobs! etc, please help. thank




  1. I'm not going to say this is an answer that comes easily, but I have been involved with many people that have been in the same situation. First of all, know that you are NOT ALONE in this event, because others this second are being verbally and physically abused and that is comforting to an extent to know that the pain is universal in a sense. But truthfully, I always have said this and will always stick by it with all my heart, your escape is an education in high school with high grades and then you will be able to get into college which is an awesome way out. Depending on how old you are will affect this advice, but no matter the age, it's going to tough to accept that some people in the world are naiive about the fact that being aggressive towards somebody is the exact opposite of how to handle a situation. Um, but in all, I think that the education is your way out. For something that you can do temporarily as a healing agent, is being immersed in music. Enjoy it, find your passion in a certain type of music. Or start writing. In times of pain like the one that you are going through, it is imperitive that you bring out your creative side. I can't say that things will be easy or work out perfectly, but I do know that there is a future past the dark times you face and that that future holds a place of peace and relaxation for you, one that you will cherish forever. Hope this helps and gives a minor sense of relief at the least.


  2. Your family sucks. Just run away.  

  3. Take a handy 2x4 and belt your mother in the stomach with it. Then break it over your dad's back. That'll learn 'em to ever cross you again.  

  4. its serious if u talk bak he will hit u....but then it would be called domestic violence so u can call police ....ill would make him hit me then call cops so they take him...or go away

  5. move out

    problem solved

  6. Get a lock for your room and maybe talk to your mom?

    If you really can't handle it, get emancipated and a restraining order.

  7. suck it up, it's part of being a kid.  u can put them in an old folks home someday to get revenge.


  9. I think you have to be 16 to leave the house or see if some of your family wants you so you can move  

  10. Your step dad want you to move out in that house, that's is his message to you...

  11. well, I don't know much about you.

    But I will definitely take your side for this one.

  12. It's because your parents seem like unhappy people.

    Do you have anyone else you can live with? If they do not like you, they should be open to the idea of you moving.

    How old are you?

    If you are over 18, move out ASAP. If not, then I would try talking to a school counselor or somebody about it.

    Keep your head held high and just do the best you can. If what you are saying is true, they do not deserve you!

  13. im sorry but just deal with it, my biological father insults me, im only thirteen and he calls me worthless, he wishes i was never his son, he explodes everyday too. sorry... it happens. :(

  14. Sounds like sexual frustration to me. He can't do you, so he takes his frustration out on you. People are human, what can you do?

  15. when i clicked on this thread my heart started 2 pond really fast then when i got about half way i got a tear in my eye i hear about these stories all the time and wish i could help and i guess my chance have came i think you should talk to your mom about it or either call 911 or something like that b/c there was a story about this on americas most wanted and the dad would talk about the girl and beat her and he ended up beating her 2 death i hope i am not getting you scared but you need 2 do something about this very fast and you need 2 tell him to stop if anything works just call the police i am am sure they will help wish you the nest luck my prays are for you

  16. You need to move out!

  17. That's not right for your parents to do that. Your step dad sounds like a jerk. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that.

    I have a lot of problems with my family too. I just try to keep the drama in the house to a minimum, and it works sometimes. :\

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