
How come my stomache hurts when I eat raw veggies?

by Guest32464  |  earlier

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I prefer to eat raw veggies since steaming them, boiling them, or frying them tends to take off most of the nutritional value. It's not like I'm eating veggies that have to be cooked, like brussell sprouts or eggplant, but just simple veggies like raw carrots, broccoli, spinach, etc.




  1. For the first poster, ENZYMES DO NOT CAUSE THIS PROBLEM! If anything, they help digest and break down food! Who gave a thumbs up to that?

    The other poster is right; veggies have lots of insoluble fiber, also known as roughage! It acts like a broom in your system and sweeps out all the gunk. What I would wonder is if you eat cheese and other dairy products, as well as refined carbs like white flour. These can lodge in your system and become almost like paste! So elimating them becomes painful. Stick to whole grain products and possibly eliminate cheese (casein is a milk protein in reg. cheese and most soy cheezes that is also used as wood glue!).

  2. Your system probably isn't used to the amount of insoluble fiber.  The discomfort passes.  No pun intended.

  3. Raw veggies are a great way to go, but they can be a little rough on you when your body is trying to digest them.  For the most part, you may be experiencing some discomfort because raw foods can cause enzymes, which in turn causes gas and bloating.  Even if you steam your veggies a tiny bit to make them a little tender, you won't be losing all of the nutritional value.  I would see if steaming would help you out at all.

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