
How come no one has anwered my yahoo question?

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i asked a question yesterday regading office managers...and i got no respond.....i was saying that am an office manager for a chiropractic office and i get paid only 10.10 and get NO benefits (sick time, personal time, paid holidays, vacation and most importantly medical insurance). I've been working there for 3 yrs and the last time i got a raise was last june much are you getting paid and what are ur benefits? Am i being taken advantage of?




  1. That's something you should ask your boss.

  2. um depends on if you have a degree, how many people you are over seeing, your hours, and so on. legally you only have to get a raise review 1x a year, and then that doesn't garantee you will get one. most doctors don't offer benefits, don't know why but those i know who work for private practices all say that. and with minimum wage being what it is and good jobs being hard to find, i would keep it until i found something better.

  3. Nobody cares!!

  4. well iguess no one answered you question because well they didnt no what to say

  5. You need to ask it again during prime time!

  6. Hmm ,  strange ,   most  "managers"   periodically  job  shop ,

    Check  out  other  similar  positions  to  see  if  there  is  better  opportunity  elsewhere .

    How  come  you  have  not  done  that  ?

    Just  because  some  other  business  can  afford  more ,

    Does  not  mean  your  office  can .

    What  is  the  point  of  complaining  ?

    It   is  a  pointless  exercise  by  people  who  should  know  better .

    Either   start  doing  some  job   hunting  and  move  when you  get  a  better  offer or

    Accept   your  position  without  complaining .


  7. Go into to see what other people with your same job are making.

  8. I am not an office manager in a chiropractic office, so I don't have any info for you.

  9. yup u should look up more benifits and compare and talk to ur boss pronto!

  10. DUH!!! you should probably talk to your boss and find out why u dont get paid enough and why you have no benefits.

  11. Nobody wanted to give the bad news. It's one of those questions where there's no polite answer, but I'm not one of those people who needs to be polite.

      You're getting the shaft working at that level without benefits like you describe. If you're doing a good job then negotiate for better terms. Everything in business is negotiable and you just got a bad deal so far. Any competing position will offer those things, so lay it on the line that you want those things. Be prepared to walk or they will take advantage of you even worse.

  12. yes, I'm not even a manager and i get paid 9.50 to be a cashier

    i think you should find another job

  13. Sorry no one answered you, I would if I had any experience as a manager, I am a Nurse. Maybe someone will answer you this time, good luck.

  14. It seems like you should find another job, but I don't live where you live.  Salary and benefits will vary depending on your location.  Go to and check to see what the average salary in your area is for your profession.  While you are checking you may want to see if there are any job openings in your area.  Best of luck to you.

  15. no one answered your last question because it was too specific.

    someone reads the question 'any chiropractic managers' and people who aren't chiropractic managers won't even read the question. something like "I'm a manager and I feel like I'm getting underpaid"....

    This question is too general and you will get a ton of people answering like "no one cares"...

    Also, you have no avatar. A lot of people ignore questions from people with no avatar because we think (from experience) that you won't come back and give the ten points and it will go into voting and someone with loads of friends or like three accounts will win even if their answer is stupid and we just wasted our time....

    That being said....

    Yes you're getting screwed... I used to make more than that as a shift supervisor at a coffee shop, and I got holiday pay sick pay and medical. If you're working in the medical profession and you don't get medical you're getting

    well  *******.

    Put your resume on Monster and get a new job immediately...... BUT if you do that make sure your spelling and grammar is better than it is in your question. You sound foreign or 13.

  16. because it's too long.

  17. Well  first off people are  not going to tell you their wages, second it depends on the size of the office if it is a smaller office they are not required to give you benefits......except FMLA( Family medical leave act) because that is a federal law.....not to mention most states in the USA are at will employment and not right to work...

    I work for a large private Clinic and my benefits are great but I am collage trained in a specialty ( I am not a MD or RN)

    no you are not being taken advantage of it is what it have a choice Get over it and deal or find a different job.....

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