
How come nobody ever mentions this in regards to abortion?

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Although I think abortion is deplorable and gross... Giving the kid up for adoption or being sexually responsible is a much better option. I wonder why no one mentions/considers this.

What about the man? A woman can't get pregnant without a man. Why is it that it's a "woman's right to choose" whether or not her baby gets murdered? What about the guy? It is 100% just as much his child as it is hers, yet she can run off and have the baby killed without the consent of the father, or even letting him know. That is such complete and utter c**p. Why do people not consider this and think it is okay?

I had a girlfriend a while back, who missed her period, and thought she was pregnant. She wasn't. I didn't find out till she had her period again and she even had the nerve to tell me that had she been pregnant, she would have got an abortion without even telling me anything till it was over. Needless to say that was our last conversation.




  1. I think father's have a right in the decision,and the w***e's who jump up every time they think they are pregnant and check out abortion are worthless.

  2. When the embryo is inside you and a risk to your life, then you get to decide whether to bring it to full term. Otherwise, it's none of your business whether your sperm is involved or not.

  3. I thank God I'm a woman.  I know of every single baby I helped to create.  I have a daughter and two sons with another boy on the way and I've honestly wondered about this in regard to them.  If I don't raise them right and they go around sticking their ***** into anything warm, I could someday have dozens of grandchildren murdered that I would never even know about.  I certainly hope I raise my kids better than that, but anything is possible.  It's a shame that women get to decide what happens to the innocent baby just because her body is housing the little angel for a few months.  You'd think more men would make a fuss about it.  

  4. I think you've got a point there.

    Amen to you brother!

  5. When you can become pregnant...get back to me.

    EDIT: Actually I don't need a man to get pregnant. Thats what sperm banks are for. As for your girlfriend not telling you, good for her.

  6. I've seen this argument several times.  It goes back to creation of man.  Our arguments and feelings are not considered in court rulings.

    For example, a woman gets pregnant, leaves the man, never tells him and comes back months or years later and guess what...the male is stuck with back child support.  Then, if he's lucky, he gets limited visitation.

    The sole decision to having an abortion is the females alone, and the male has no rights or say so.  I don't totally agree with this either.  What if the male wants the child and the female does not?  Should the male not get a say so?  You are correct, it's a team effort.  The male should be just as involved in the decision making as the female.  Will this argument stand up?  Never, because who are we to say what someone else does with their body?

    In my own thoughts and opinions, if a women neglects herself while she is pregnant (smokes, drinks etc...) the male should be allowed to sure for child abuse.  Murder if she aborts. And so on and so on.  The males involved should get just as much say as the woman, because again it takes the male to get the female pregnant.  

    Unfortunately this is not how it works, or how the courts view it.  Males are only held responsible when it's convenient for them (the woman & courts)  Otherwise, we are just expected to "Man up" and do whatever the woman or courts say we should do.

    Edit:  Twilight, what are you saying about single fathers?  I am a single father, and I'd say being a single father is not avoiding responsibilities.  Single mothers get way more benefits than single fathers, all based on their s*x and not the fact that they are performing in a parental role.

    Edit X2:  Twilight, I personally know 3 single mothers who are getting a free collage education and free child care because they are single mothers.  I checked into this and I do not qualify for this benefit.  I understand this benefit, and I'm not saying it should be cut. I also did not qualify for WIC when he was younger. You may view WIC as minimal, but it's still a benefit.  As a single father, why do I not get these same things, as I am performing the same role asa a single mother?  As far as jobs go, if these women feel they are getting the raw end of the deal, they should file complaints with the proper agencies.  I only have a high school education, and I can't complain about my pay or benefits. There are pleanty of non-biased jobs that provide steady pay raises and health benefits out there.  I can't control who they work for and how their employers treat them.  Instead of blaming the male for everything, maybe she should recognize the fact that she is just as responsible for getting pregnant. The male is not always to blame.  However, if you want to talk equality, then why should single fathers not get the same benefits as single mothers.  Maybe single "parent" should be the new term, becaue if you are a single mother or single father are you not performing the same task...rasining a child alone?

    My ex-wife seemed to have no problems getting benefits, health and otherwise, after we divorced and she continued to have children.

  7. it's hard to argue mens' rights on this issue when there is 100 BILLION (yes with a B) in unpaid child support.  men need to change their culture.  often, men claim they have no responsibility because a woman could have had an abortion.

    that being said, the fact is women get pregnant.  and if they choose to allow themselves to get pregnant, that's on them. because that's how the nature works.

    so the first step is for women to work at not getting pregnant a lot more rigorously than they do at present.

    the second is to outlaw abortion because it is murder, pure and simple.

  8. You are a rare man.  Most men who find out a girl is pregnant try to get out of being blamed for the situation and so the woman is usually alone in the decision.  That makes it her decision.  Just look around at all the unwed mothers of the world and how they live in poverty most of the  time and you will realize that a woman should have the right to decide.

    EDIT:  Those single fathers are normally the ones avoiding their responsibilities so what are you trying to say there?  Feel  sorry for men who do not care about their own children?

    COLONEL:  What benefits are you speaking of?  Women who are single with children get minimal benefits to help which do not help nearly enough to take care of their children properly and women are far more likely to get paid less at work.  They are treated differently than male workers based on the fact that they have children who may become ill and mom will have to take off work more often.  

    HERB:  I think you have a good head on your shoulders.

    WISH2TRAVEL:  If men would take more responsibility for what they have done then they would not get that bad rap.  The problem comes in when the man decides not to marry the woman or live with her.  That increases the poverty risk for the children and both parents.  I think men are capable of using a condom or abstaining too.  It should not be just the  women's responsibility.

    WISH2TRAVEL:  This is an abuse report waiting to happen by  Can't discuss on  I do not really agree with abortion but I also do not agree with a bunch of babies being placed in adoption mills and in this economy I do not think anyone should be getting pregnant.  It's just future cannon fodder for these wars (that seems more cruel to me).  More men disown the fact than not and raising a child for 18 years (whom most women do love) is an extremely hard endeavor when you are not financially capable of it.  It drains the emotional stability of all involved especially if the child has disorders.  Do you realize that many, many fathers leave a situation after a child is diagnosed with health problems?  Not cool.

    Colonel:  As far as I know you are an exception to the rule although I do not really understand why you have the child instead of the mom.  I think single men should qualify for WIC as it is based on the infant or child’s need.  It’s only good till they are five years old though.  The biase of women’s jobs is a country thing not just an individual employer thing.  Women get asked different questions in the interview process that are all based on their children.  Women are also more emotionally involved in the process of raising children than men.  I’m not saying that is always a good thing but that is normally how it is.  College qualifications are not based on whether you are a mom or not;  it is based on your income and that of your parents till you are 25 years of age so these single moms must have had a single parent who was not making much either and you must have parents who make more.  I promise you though that the benefits these women get do not do nearly enough to help raise a child.  If you are a low wage earner you probably qualify for some of those benefits too.


  9. In response to your question, I feel that the Government or other people shouldn't have any intrusion on another person, but I do find the practice of abortion as birth control deplorable.

    That said, a lot of times the guy doesn't stick around at all, it was a one night thing, phone calls don't get returned, etc.  Not all of us guys do this, but let's face it, we both know people who would, a lot of them.

    I believe that every pro-lifer out there should be out adopting.  Every pro-lifer has a responsibility to tell their children how babies are made and not skip the issue because of religious reasons.   I believe that every pro-life out there should spend more time thinking about solutions than wasting time picketing.   Pro-choicers should also be adopting.

    What sickens me more is that there are young girls who bring the baby to full term then abandon them in garbage cans.   They come from highly religious families who worry too much what their neighbors think rather than doing the right thing.  

    What also sickens me is that some women choose to carry their child, get absolutely no help from the father and then they have to struggle and raise the child in poverty, sometimes the child goes without medicine or food and the same people who protest abortion sees this as the "mother's problem."   These are also the same people who are very religious (God must be so proud).

    Yes,  being sexually responsible is something we all should do; however, condoms fail, birth control fails, even vasectomies fail.  

    Abstinence is the only surefire way of preventing pregnancy, and I don't know of any guy who doesn't want s*x.  A woman can't get pregnant without a man, but a straight man can't have s*x without a woman.  It's a two-way street.

    If you want a real alternative to abortion, come up with a real solution.  There are circumstances that you may not even be aware of.   So judge less and think more.  That's how problems get solved.

  10. Wow. Donna is the kind of woman I wouldn't consider dating. If a woman is willing to kill your baby without your consent it should be considered 1st degree murder. Simple as that.  

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