
How come nobody is talking about this important proposal?

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Recently, IL congressman Mark Kirk has proposed his way to make a major dent on terrorism in Afghanistan. His solution is to eradicate poppy production through aerial spraying. Considering a large portion of terrorists money comes from drugs, this seems like a logical plan. Do people here support this proposal and how come nobody is talking about it?





  1. Ironically, Mr. Kirk's basis is exactly backwards. The Afghan warlords who assist the United States in their anti-Taliban and anti-al Qaeda operations derive almost all of their wealth from poppy production. Eradicating poppyseeds without replacing them with another cash crop would not only destroy Afghanistan but pave the way for a resurgence of anti-American insurgent and terrorist activity in the region (since almost all of the farmers in Afghanistan will become unemployed).

    He's right about the benefit that al Qaeda and co derive from poppy production, but simply destroying all of those crops will make the situation even worse by driving the unemployment rate way up, driving the Afghan economy way down, and giving direct recruitment support to terrorist movements like the Taliban who actually banned poppy production when they were in power. Mr. Kirk's policy is at best misguided and requires more complex strategic thinking in order to become even remotely effective.

  2. Yes, I do. However, we must be prepared to provide millions of dollars of humanitarian aid for years. Especially if it were to be done the quickest way ie defoliation chemicals since that would destroy any possible food production for years.

    These people are trapped by poverty. They are not making piles of money as you might think. They are as tied to there year to year farming profits much the way our smaller farmers bad season can "wipe" them out and cause them to borrow money at interest rates just like ours have to. They borrow from a local warlord who may or not be Taleban...they remain poor nonetheless.

    "Logical plans" are not always so simple when you look at ramifications of "quick and easy solutions"...

    The decision to ignore the proliferation of poppy fields that can be seen by GoogleEarth...was made at the top. The reasons probably would not hold water with most Americans but they occured none the less....The sole focus of Bush's security plan in Afghanistan was to secure Kabul and the pipeline(s) routes. They left the poppy growing areas alone so as to not divide the few troops left there.

    So while I support the former emphasis on reducing poppy proliferation through crop replacement incentives or even increases in the pharmaceutical industry involvement inpurchasing this natural and preferable pain medication....I would not support a spraying program that would be tantamount to murder of all who live in the region.

    We have the ability to go in there and take those warlords OUT!!! They aren't that powerful compared to us.

  3. That sounds like a good idea.  I'm not sure if we are authorized to do that, though, since there are probably some non-terrorists growing poppies there.  Is poppy growing in Afghanistan illegal?  I know the US looks down on this sort of business, but if it's allowed in Afghanistan our hands may be tied.  We would have to talk with the government there and get their cooperation.  If we could specifically target Taliban and terrorist-controlled poppy fields, then by all means, we should be destroying them.

    I don't know why people aren't talking about it.  Probably because the media is a little one-tracked right now because you know who is on his world tour.

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