
How come nobody on tv has a southern accent unless its comedy?

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well you get the point




  1. deputy chief brenda lee johnson  :D

    sorry i just love kyra sedgwick... she does the accent so well

    but, to answer your question, i think it mostly has to do with where these shows take place. obviously, if it takes place in any big city (which many do), they probably wont have anyone with an accent. and then a lot of the shows which take place in suburbs usually are assumed to be located in the midwest, northeast, or southwest. and then there's the suburbs in the south which within themselves don't have that many people with southern accents, etc. it might also have to do with viewers and how they relate to the south.

    you do bring up a good point and i think it would be refreshing to see a serious drama which takes place in the south. (of course some exist, but im thinking more popular and mainstream). a show like that could take the south away from its stereotypical impressions

  2. nah shirley from  oz had one and thats a drama

  3.   Gee, I must have missed something, is the Paula Dean cooking show supposed to be a comedy?   You can't get more of a southern accent than that gal.

  4. Ohh I ♥ paula dean. And the lady from the closer I think she has an accent too, there are actually several, that are not comedies.

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