
How come old people don't like to wait their turn?? Like with driving and in lines??

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How come old people don't like to wait their turn?? Like with driving and in lines??




  1. I'm 39 (about half way between teenager and geezer), and at this stage in my life, I've seen plenty of people, both older and younger than me, driving like complete idiots.  Traffic here in the Washington DC area is terrible, and its only made worse by these drivers...  People who don't know how to merge properly, people who use on/off ramps to get around people, shifting lanes very frequently...  Its these people who cause accidents and hurt people...

    One person in particular was just drifting from lane to lane (no signals), zipping back and forth to get through traffic...  This one person caused another person to react suddenly into another vehicle...

    I made sure that the first driver got cited for causing the accident, fleeing the scene of an accident, reckless driving, and more... I called the state troopers with the accident information and offending vehicle tag number...  While I was rendering first aid at the accident, the troopers called back asking me to verify the identification in person...  Once the ambulance arrived, I drove to the other traffic stop and made the positive ID...  I ended testifying for the state and watching a very hefty conviction handed down.  Luckily for victims, I had an established credibility within this court and law enforcement jurisdiction...

  2. Because they used to do that a long time ago but they gave it up because older people kept queue jumping them.

  3. theyr bitter at us youngons cause they think they need priority cause theyve been on this earth longer

  4. It is a common situation with the elderly, they always assume that they have priority. I agree that they should be entitled to bus seats. However, Driving is a dangerous situation, and they need to take extra care.

  5. cos they're older, their reaction, senses, etc are less alert and attentive to what they're doing.

    some old folks are fine but some....omg ...should be OFF the road

  6. I think its a bad combination of them losing patience with every aspect of their life and the mental condition  to which they are losing track of time.  I'm sure waiting on a line for 5 minutes or for traffic to go by for 30 seconds feels a lot longer to them.....

  7. Because they are old and life is getting to short to wait on people. LOL

  8. Dude I felt exactly the same way when I first went to morning services at my church. I was the only one whose hair was still black, and i stuck out like a sore thumb. However, I worked with older people for quite a few years, and they have the same prejudices against you as you have against them. Many have the perception that our generation is shallow (which isn't too far off) However, just be polite! They want as much respect as other people, but we need to give them more, and let me explain why.

    You don't live to 70 by being stupid. Respect them for their survival skills and longevity. One day we too will be old and hobbling. Plus, they are nearer to seeing God in Heaven, so that's another reason.

  9. The same can be said for all ages of people, nobody wants to wait and take their turn........

  10. Cause we may die before we get there. No really, just yesterday I was in the grocery line and some teenager came up and asked me if she could get in front of me because she was in a "really big hurry. My boyfriend is waiting for me outside" She had a bottle of water. It was no big deal, but I felt she should get a life. What made her so 'Special"? It's not just 'old' people. By the way , I'm 76.

  11. because they're cranky and think they're all that because their next stop is the cemetary.

    jk, im sure not all old ppl r like that. i'm like that in lines!!!

  12. That is so true. I don't know. Those old people should not be driving.

    But in some places in Massachusetts, it appears stopping is completely optional. I hate driving up my parents' street because of all the cars popping out of side streets. They don't stop. It's like they think they are the only ones on the road. I think that because they don't stop. You're lucky if they slow down and they seem completely taken aback when they do notice me or another car. It's bizarre.

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